

Hello everyone out there who managed to find your way here.
Going to breed some skillers mostly for my own use but I'll sell a few too.
I have played howrse before and reached 30th place in the general ranking, so dont worry, i know what im doing.

Looking for friends to have during promos, will pay back every ticket and more. Thanks

If you want a reserved covering, PM me and i will fix it as soon as i can thank you.
Price wary depending on horse.


About me

 Im swedish and proud to be.  I work with educating and riding Icelandic horses. Tough the actual riding is a very small part of the job, mostly you can find my mucking a box or the pasture.
Ive also took care of some 'problem horses' in my life two of which I still own, rest I sold to loving families that can understand the horses problem and not make them erupt again.

Im always happy to have a nice horse talk so DONT BE SCARED TO SEND ME PM'S!

1964th after 30 days senority
724th  after 40 days senority
576th after 50 days senority
543th after 60 days senortiy

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