a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png You'll never walk alone a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png Hello everyone 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png

Greetings and a hug for everyone who might need or want one.

~ ~ ~

If God can forgive those who truly repent, then we should do the same.
It's not that hard once you tried, quite the opposite.
It's a step nearer to what we are taught about love and peace.

~ ~ ~

 If you are interested in one of my sales offers but would need the opposite riding,

don't hesitate to ask for a change before buying.


To negotiate means, the one interested in buying the horse presents a (reasonable) offer.
Asking for the lowest possible price (or amount of passes) is no negotiation at all.

Just imagine you'd like to buy a loaf of bread and ask the baker what's his lowest price instead of the ticketed one.
Accept that in this case there's no difference between here and real life.

~ ~ ~

Always looking for


to revive my Greyfells.
Paying EQ's (150k/each) or BMI (except ZLB, AT, HoP, GA).
Just PM or put up sth at IE, thank you!

~ ~ ~

Personal notices:

I'm adult enough for having an adult son.

I'm always up to help where help is needed, but don't ask for gifts.

Those are only given out of the feeling to want it.

Same goes for random friend requests - if I feel like accepting, I'll do, otherwise not.

This is nothing personal, just me acting on a gut level.

~ ~ ~

I firmly believe in love, peace and tolerance.

  :-))_v1828806360.png  PS: My avatar is my copyright and I'd appreciate no copying, thanks  :-))_v1828806360.png
