As you can quite see I am a Transformers fan. I accept friend requests, but do not ask for any of my horses. They won't be for sale unless I want them to be. And do not ask for my BMIs either. I will put them up for sale as I see fit.

You ask me what sport I do. I'll say Equestrian. You tell me:It's not a sport. You tell me: It's easy. You tell me: we just sit there. You tell me we aren't athletes. You tell me: It's just a silly hobby. But i ask you: Have you ever trusted something so unpredictable, who with one misstep can kill us? Have you ever fallen from 6 feet up, going 35 mph and brushed yourself off? Have you ever raced full speed towards an obstacle? Have you ever jumped something that's taller than you? So before you underestimate us, think to yourself; do you understand the true bond required? Have you ever had a team mate 10 times your size? Ask yourself that, don't judge Equestrians.. You lift weights, I lift water buckets and hay bales. You run 1km, I ride 10. You jump hurdles that can fall, I jump solid fences that don't. You work with a team, I work with a 1200 pound animal that I have to communicate with, without words. Who's the athlete now? Re-Post if Your a Proud equestrian