Looking for foundation Tekes for a project. If you have any you would be willing to sell please pop them into the private sales reserved for me and drop me a PM letting me know so I can buy them. Will pay 40,000 Equus but if you feel the horse is worth more message me first and we can discuss a price.

Always on the hunt for GA and retired GA coats. If you've got one you'd consider selling, drop me a PM and we can discuss a price!

I have a variety of BM items for trade! Scroll down for the full list. If anything takes your fancy drop me a PM and we can negotiate


I am an adult player and am using this as something to do in my down time around work. I am not playing competitively at the moment due to lack of time so my game isn't focused on anything in particular. I have many other things in my life to help me procrastinate including TV, films, music, art, photography, anime, manga, comics, books, gaming, and various other geeky things so if you want to chat or have suggestions of things I could watch/read/listen to I'm always happy to hear them!

I am always happy to help people with the game if I can so if you would like to know anything feel free to message me and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. I just ask that you please follow my rules listed below.

I am happy to accept friend requests for promotions and anything sent my way such as lottery tickets are greatly appreciated and will be returned as soon as I can. I return all congratulations if I can but I am sorry if I do happen to miss you.

List of BM items available:
5th Element x1
Achilles Heel x4
Aphrodite's Tears x1
Apollo's Lyre x10
Artemis' Arrow x2
Black Orchid x6
Bonus Pack x1
Chronos' Timer x1
Croesus Fortune x10
Fertility Wand x10
Golden Apple x1
Helios' Ray x13
High Kingdom's Splint Boot x1
Horn of Plenty x1
Hypnos' Blanket x9
Medusa's Blood x21
Philosophers Stone x2
Philotes' Stroke x12
Piece of Cloud x5
Ploutos' Parchment x4
Poseidon's Pack x2
Water of Youth x14
Zeus' Lightning Bolt x2

I accept all friend request and am always willing to help with the Promos. However I clear out my friend list regularly. If you have not logged on for 25 days you will be removed but once you log back on feel free to send one again! 

Rules for messaging me:
Please use correct grammar and spelling as far as possible. I can understand a few mistakes because everybody makes them! 
Please refrain from using text talk, I can't be bothered to try and read it. It makes my brain hurt and it's a waste of time.
If you are rude or send inappropriate thing I will have no problem blocking or reporting you! 
I think that's all  but other than that I'm a nice person and I don't bite.

My first horse Miss Missing You. Please give her an apple if you have time!