Hi 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png

I am currently breeding:
KWPN unicorns (DemonsOfTheNight), Dartmoor unicorns (RogueDiamonds) and Hanoverian unicorns (RøseSøciety)

My Golden Apple/ Retired Golden Apple collection is mostly contained within the RoseSocietyF tab, but some can be found towards the end of the RoseSocietyM tab.

I was the founder of the KWPN unicorn breeding team DemonsOfTheNight which started off as a solo breeding project. I still bred with them, albeit less frequently now since I am focusing on breeding Hanoverian unicorns.

I started breeding Dartmoor Unicorns in August 2015 for fun. I continue to breed them purely for my own enjoyment and have gone from 375 GP to almost 850 GP

This is another solo breeding project of my own which has stemmed from buying a few unicorns belonging to the team Nameless. I deicided to start a new project for 2017 and on the 16/01/2017 I bred my first unicorn, Rose at 1294 GP. I reached my goal of 1500 GP last year and am now hoping to keep improving.
Click to see my: Current Best Unicorn
R= Retired
These unicorns are spread out across two tabs

The RogueDemons breeding farm contains my RogueDiamonds and DemonsOfTheNight unicorns


My favourite TV shows are Supernatural, Teen Wolf and Criminal Minds 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png

1st in popularity on the 04.01.15
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Any horses underneath my RøseSøciety tabs are not for sale unless they have already been placed there, but if you send me an offer I may still consider it.

If I ignore your offer it may be because the price was far too low.

I never respond to messages asking for my 'lowest price'. Please do not ask.