After 12 years of playing Howrse on the International and UK servers, I finally got my first divine! To all the casual players out there who think they'll never win anything, don't worry, it is possible, you just might have to wait a while!855f2acb12410ea8c7951e834f5ff498.png

Hi, I'm Katherine, a 23 year old balancing her time on howrse with an engineering degree and university life in general. I've been playing this game for 11 years now on the international server, and have been on UK howrse since the very first day, but have periodically taken breaks when I've been busy / lost interest.
In the game, I currently breed high GP / skilled Curly horses and Drum horses, as well as several breeds of unicorns. Unicorns, curly horses and drum horses with all covers left appear periodically in my 'for sale' tab, so do check them out.
Don't be afraid to add me as a friend, especially when promos such as the lottery come around, as I accept all friend requests!
Happy howrsing,
Biggirlhorse aka Katherine xxx