a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024620.pngNever give up on your dreams, no matter how hard it seems to reach them, no matter how much time passes, no matter what others are saying, and no matter what, or how many setbacks happen.a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024620.png

Have you been told that somebody is proud of you, today, no matter what? Well, now you have! ^-^

a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024620.pngThank you for reading and checking my page. You matter infinitelya4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024620.png(I do understand if you don't read these boring paragraphs, or anything else, I just appreciate you existing) ^-^

I personally play Howrse because I can't have a horse on my own, and don't have access to much horse interactions in real life. These cute horses with their stunning coats, good genetic system, foals, and cute faces mean so much to me, even if sounds so ridiculous. This is like an escape from the very boring and sometimes lonely reality. This game has helped me a lot, it has always given me my hope that I will sometimes reach my dream of having my own horse or horses, somewhere where I can ride and have a big pasture and everything for them. It is my dream since I can literally remember my existence, so this means so much that I can't express it trough any word. Nobody believes I will reach that dream, because it would be so so so hard and very close to impossible for me, but I never listen to them. I am hanging on, waiting for that dream to become a reality in some kind of miracle of a possibility, but I know I will push trough and live that life I yearn for. I believe everyone will, at some point. I know that once that stressful time fades away into a beautiful dream come true, no struggle has been for nothing. 

I have played Howrse before, but I never thought I would achieve so much as I achieved this time! I just stopped after a few days in the past, because I thought it was too hard and grindy, but it really isn't, once you get into an event and start earning equus then complete objectives and really unlock more stuff, it's great, and a less "stagnant" feeling. If you can be a little patient and not get too upset when you lose an auction you really looked forward to. You are allowed to be upset, your feelings are valid, but even though you lost or someone outbid you with more than you have, you must still remember that  this is a game, I know it matters to you, it matters so much to me too, but you should never take it out on the person who outbid you. Everybody wants horsies, because that's what this game is all about! Horses! I understand you can be very upset, but I believe you will find that horse again, when the right time will come, and you will achieve whatever you put your mind to. Patience is the key to almost everything. I know the feeling, but don't worry, I believe that you will get whatever horse or item or anything you want some day. You just have to keep being kind. The kindness you put out into the world will always come back to you in infinite ways you never expected. You should always pay it forward, but without expecting something back. It should be from the kindness of your heart.
