looking for 1x horseshoe studs, willing to gift (via item donation) 1x other bonus tack (spurs, lunge, bell boots, whip) or AP

hi, I'm Maer!

joy log
day 2 - first HoP from stroking a Xanthos!! that's really cool.
day 14 - another HoP! thanks, Xanthos!
day 18 -- a generous Xanthos!
day 19 -- 3 HoPs from Xanthos!!!! amazing!!
day 22 -- another Horn of Plenty :)
day 23 -- ^^
day 27 ^^
day 28 ^^, also, a wandering horse: Multicorn! I have previously had another wandering horse, I think Typhon, but I did not write down which day.
day 47 -- I got Prancer directly from fragments in a Horn of Plenty from the daily objectives!!! amazing, this is my first divine/special horse!!