When did you get into horses?
I've been into horses mostly all my life and when I started seeing my sister play Howrse I had to start playing. I also play Star Stable online, my user is Rachel Dreamclover and I own the club Mountain Roses League. My favourite horse breed in real life has to be a Connemara, those cute little bundles of energy just perk me up if I see one! If I had to choose a favourite out of all my horses in Howrse, it would have to be Bear. Friend me if you want a horse like her, but with better stats and BLUP, used for anything really! (Breeding is preferred, as this is my Breeder's account.

                                       Do you attend any Riding Schools?

No, I don't attend any Riding Schools, and before any of you ask, I did use to have a horse called Baxter, I was a baby when we got rid of him though. We sent him to a retirement stable because he was too old and sick to ride. I do live near a Riding School but as I've already said, I don't attend it, as my mother doesn't have a car to drive to it, and my father uses his van for work and trips to the beach with my family. Feel free to congratulate or friend me for free horses with items attached!
I hope you all enjoyed reading my presentation, while short is quite enjoyable. Like I said, feel free to friend or congratulate me for free horses with handy items attached!