Hi everyone!

I'm not new on Howrse, I've had multiple different profiles in the past few years, but because of the lack of time I deleted them. Now that I will have more time, I decided to try it again.

I'm a bookworm, I like any kind of books other than the classics (I just find them a bit boring), my favourite book is Before The Coffee Gets Cold, I recommend this for every single person on this planet. I'm also a great fan of the Throne of Glass series, and the author Sally Rooney. 
I also like to watch anime (I... don't really have a favourite there, Idk why :'D) and really into heavy metal and rock.
If you want to you can add me to your friends, I usually accept all of them, just please send me a message before doing that so :)

My only goal in the game is to breed strong horses and join a team. If you have a Nokota or Arabian horse team don't hesitate to pm me935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png