FOR SALE: currently nothing in particular, but most of my horses are for sale, including most of my pb TBs, especially those in the low 11000 GP range. 

Hi, I’m iforgottheusername! (It’s the username because I’ve been locked out of multiple accounts because of forgetting the usernames, but hopefully not this time?)

I’m mainly a purebred TB breeder, and I’m looking for TB teams to join that aren’t overly competitive, since this account is new. I’d be interested in buying any purebred TBs that have a high GP (12,500 +). I’m also trying to breed purebred Mangalarga Marchadors, as well as some Hano and Appaloosa Unis, so I'm also looking to buy them.

I am looking to cover my TB mares with purebred, 100 blup, high gp thoroughbred stallions (higher than my current highest GP, see below) and I will pay 7500eq. Also looking for purebred Appaloosa uni, purebred Hanoverian Uni, and purebred Donkey coverings, I will also pay 7500eq.

I’m willing to sell most of my horses, so just send me an offer, but I might refuse if I need that horse or if they’re draught/donkeys. I am more likely to sell stallions rather than mares, as I am currently increasing the GP of my horses through outside coverings, rather than using my own stallions, but this will change once their GP gets higher. Please note that horses in the other horses are actually my main ones for now, until I get another breeding farm, so don't assume they are all for sale (however, I will sell most GP for the right price).

Current Highest TB GP : 12598 

My affixes: (only three so far, because seniority)
C e l e s t i a l s - my TBs and other horses I am proud of
a s t r o n o m i c a l s - AP and lower GP horses
e t h e a r e a l s - other purebred breeds I’m focusing on (donkeys + MM)

My naming system, just for fun! 
Ancient greek heroes/mythological figures- purebred Thoroughbreds
Nymphs- mangalarga marchadors
Greek gods- immortal horses
Ancient Greek philosophers- unicorns
Greek Isalnds (from mythology)- Hanoverians
I’m still trying to think of something for donkeys, so let me know if you have ideas!

Notice: If my horse beats yours in competitions repeatedly, please know that this is not on purpose! I am on mobile most of the time, and when I'm lazy I use the enter-into-comps-automatically thing, so I don't notice. If it keeps happening though, let me know, and I'll stop!

I am always looking for Fertility Wands, Aphrodite's Tears, GAs, and Helios Rays, and Zeus's Lighting Bolt so message me with what you're looking for and I'll see if I have it so we can do an item exchange. 

Highest Rankings:
#7 in popularity

9/5/22 - I got a HOP and 1000eq from stroking Xanthos! (the HOP was very disappointing unfortunately c02c9876e2b59391866c49a21f0e04e0.png)
9/5/22 - Fully Blupped my first horse, Pandora!

My Favourite Horses - go visit them! (if they haven't been sold yet) 

Circe - TB - Wanderer's Spirit - 9000+ GP - Helen's offspring- sold for 428,426 eq
Medea - TB - Wanderer's Spirit - Circe's offspring - 10000+ GP - will be sold soon for 350000eq (I have already agreed who I'm selling her to, so please don't ask me to sell her to you!)
Pandora-10963.59GP - Medea's offspring- AL, GA, HR + more - I love her coat + background 
Andromeda - 12004 GP - a very kind gift - GA - fully BLUPped