
I am an Northern Irish player with a passion for thoroughbred horses.
My main goal at the moment is to breed high quality, high GP thoroughbreds.
I am happy to breed with any gamer (mares & stallions).

I am also breeding Mangalarga Marchadors, Draughts and Paints at the moment.


My current breeding stallions are all above 11k GP for TBs and 5k for Mangalarga Marchadors (this will change as my horse's GP increase)

Advertised Studs 
Fully Trained but not Fully BLUP'd is 6000E
Fully Trained and Fully BLUP'd  is 7500E

Non-Advertised Studs (Personal)
These stallions will be available to stud at request and upon mare approval - Fully BLUP'd and on occasion Fully Trained.

Almost ALL of my colts are for sale, if they are not for sale then I plan to keep them as studs.
Colts will sell usually around 150 passes.

Current Stallions

Any stallions under the current GP (10600) will be sold (Every stallion I used to breed will be fully BULP'd and includes Golden Apple & Helio's Ray as a basic - some will have additional BMIs). General starting price for Stallions will be 100 passes (depending on BMIs)

My current breeding mares are very similar to the Stallions, they are at current 11k GP+ (TBs) and 5k (MMs)

Some of my mares are open to breeding if desired, generally I pay the stud fee and you buy the foal of me at the stud fee price, however there may be additional requirements depending on the circumstances:

High GP Stallions - Fee is 7,500E 
Lower GP Stallions - Fee is 10,000E

Where the covering desirable I might discuss a fertility wand to be used with no fee - this is very rare.

Current TB Mares:

Nearly all my fillies are kept for breeding unless I have twins or very similar GPs.

If you have any questions or requests please do not hesitate to message me 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png