Welcome! I'm an English adult player (non pass buying), currently focusing on building my EC, collecting trophies, and breeding highly skilled horses of the following breeds:

* Argentinean Crillos - SeaSuprises
* Akhal-Tekes
* Belgium Riding Ponies - BlueBeginnings (best GP 3352 BBulara)

I was breeding the following, but stopped once I achieved the coat collections:
* Irish Hunters - KelpKreations (best GP 6129 KKomer)
* Purebred Spanish Unicorns - NarwhalNewcomers (best GP 2670 NNuvella)
* Selle Francais - AlgaeAffspring (best GP 11689 AAlba)
* Vanner - ForestFreshers (best GP 9827 FFinally)
* Nokota - WoodsWelcomes (best GP 10568 WWanderer)
* Percherons - OceanOrigins (best GP 2475 OOngar)

I'm playing so that to get the coat collections I have to breed them rather than buy them (a little challenge for myself), and once I've bought my first breeding pair for each breed I won't buy higher skilled horses again so the high GP is my own work (sort of). 

The Irish Hunter is my original breed, so the first mare was an Ouranos/Gaia horse.

Happy to offer coverings from any of my horses and help players if I can! Just pop me a message, I don't mind being asked.
Happy Howrsing! ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png