hi, welcome to my page! you can call me Alex. my pronouns are she/her and i'm an adult player. my family breed Shetlands in real life. we also have some larger horses, Welsh crosses, but i don't ride. i breed pygmy goats instead, i currently have four!

my main aim here is to breed Friesians with high genetic potential and skills. feel free to message me if you're interested in buying, selling or covers. i'm not interested in joining a team at the moment.

i'm a massive Greek/Roman mythology and history nerd, as well as a hellenistic polytheist. all my horses are named after mortals or minor gods from the myths. my Friesian affix, Of The Flashing Eyes, is a reference to the goddess Athena, and my breeding farms are all named after famous city states in Ancient Greece
Olympus- named after the home of the gods, this is where i keep my divine or immortal horses
Thebes- named after the city famous for their sacred band of warriors, with Dionysus as their patron, this is where my fully BLUPped Friesians live
Athens- named after the city famous for their democracy and theatre, with Athena as their patron, this is where my Friesians with positive but not yet full BLUP train
Sparta- named after the city famous for their military training and (relatively) advanced women's freedoms, with Ares as their patron, this is where my Friesians with negative BLUP train
Phthia- named after the city Achilles and the Myrmidons were from, this is where my Friesian foals live

some helpful links:
congratulate to win equus or passes: Topaz 1 // Topaz 2 // Topaz 3 // Topaz 4 // Topaz 5
stroke to win energy for a foal or possibly a Horn Of Plenty: Xanthos 1 // Xanthos 2 // Xanthos 3 // Xanthos 4 // Xanthos 5
defrost to possibly win a Hypnos's Blanket or Frost: Frost
answer a question correctly to win an ageing point: Archimedes

every horse under the other horses tab is available for sale (excluding, of course, the occasional Wandering Horse that passes through), just message me if you're interested!