Im an adult player new to the game, and im enjoying playing it. 
I used to own two horses of my own, a TB ex racer called Holly (Royal Promise)  and an ID x TB ex show jumper, Fiesta. 
I havent been around horses for a long time now though, this is as close as i get! 
I live in the beautiful county of Cornwall with my 2 GSD's and my cat, and im lucky enough to be married to my best friend, who is as crazy as me! 

(update, I lost my beautiful Cat, Loki, In August 2019. R.I.P. Loki, you gorgeous boy)

Friends requests accepted but i don't want to join a team. 

Have recently discovered the gorgeous golden apple coats so am now on a mission to give all my better TB's  coats i really like 

Trying my hand at winning a rosette!  This may take some time....!!!! 

Thanks for looking me up!  
