Hi everyone, just a small note to say sorry if I owe you congratulations or if there is a delay in my private message response; I've been busy with university so I'm not online as often as I was. I will get back to you when I can, please bear with me :)
Hello all, I'm Raven, nice to meet you!
I have had an account on howrse before on this server, but I got so busy with everything else that it got deleted, so here I am starting over again. So much new stuff, it's pretty cool to see how the game has changed during my hiatus.

As for me, I love animals, most of them, I'm not overly fond of bugs with hooky feet. I'm a mammal lover at heart; dogs, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, gerbils, hamsters, mice, they're the animals I have had most experience with.

I used to go horse riding, but it got a little too expensive and I didn't have the time for it because I had exams. Now I'm going to be a university student, back into the world of education, I may have to try and find that time. The adult world is scary, full of tax and trying to buy a house when all you want to do is hide under your duvet with a good book!

I'm an adult player, so please be aware of that before you send me any messages, and I apologise in advance if I use overly formal language, it's a habit I can't shake. Also, please don't message me asking if I will sell you a horse, if they're for sale then go bid/buy, if they're not, then don't enquire.

If you drop me a congratulations, thank you and I will give you one back as soon as I can!