
I'm Ellie and I've been playing howrse for a little over a year now wow! Seems like both forever ago and just yesterday that I started playing ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png

I also operate a 20eq equestrian centre that has all the benefits for boarders. I'm always willing to reserve boxes for people to use for blupping that perform missions with their blups. As an active team blupper, I understand how valuable a fully decked out ec that is also cheap can be and how handy not having to search for a good ec to blup in can be. So just send a message. 

I regularly prefill comps with my horses with under 20 wins for bluppers. Western Pleasure is one I fill with dozens of horses daily. If I accidentally beat your horse, as can happen with unfortunate skill distribution, there should be additional competitions to enter that will get you to 20 wins