Hi all, welcome to my page! ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png

I am an experienced Howrser, I have been playing the game on and off for the past 10 years and have ranked in the top 200 players in the past with my previous account under the same name (unfortunately lost my previous account due to a period of inactivity so this is my second one!). Feel free to message me if you have any questions or just want to chat, it’s nice to meet new people on the game!

I breed the top Quarter Horse and Fjord Unicorns on the UK server

I am a member and admin of the Barb team ᴇɴᴄᴏʀᴇ ᴇɴꜱᴇᴍʙʟᴇ
Check out our team page!

I do use the "Auto Comp" perk and apologise in advance if it looks like I am Stomping your Blup. I assure you it is definitely not on purpose!
Please do message me and I'll be happy to help fill!

I return all Congratulations that I see!

Happy Howrsing!

Click on the links below to answer a question for Archimedes, congratulate Topaz, defrost Frost and stroke Xanthos for the chance to win prizes! 

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