The girl you just called fat?...She is overdosing on diet pills.The girl you just called ugly?...She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped?.. He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars?..He fought for his country. That guy you just made fun of for crying?..His mother is dying. Put this on your page if you're against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't re-post, but I'm sure the people with heart and backbone will.

Hi... the horses that are in my 'other horses are all for sale and are pretty much under 6 months if u would like to change the price and its not negotiable,just dm me  and ill see what i can do 

have fun !!!!!!!!!!!
Fun Stuff

-you hear your name even if its not being called

-you hate hearing your voice in recordings.
-you use the word "thingy" when you can't remember what something is called.
-you say the entire alphabet because you can't remember what letter comes next.
-you and your best friend can say one word, and crack up.
-you hate when one string of you're hoodie is longer than the other.
-you hate it when people think you like someone when you clearly don't.
-you hate it when your favorite song comes on, as you pull into the driveway.
-you hate when you tell a guy to shut up and they copy you in a higher voice
-you hate waking up from a good dream and it won't come back
-your fridge has nothing to eat in it, even when it's packed with food
-you stop the microwave when it gets to 0:00 to avoid hearing all the loud BEEPs
-you hate it when you think of a good comeback after the argument is over
-when someone tells you, "Don't look now," you always look anyways
-you never lose anything, you just haven't found it yet

Some people say they are big readers. That they're so into books it's not funny. However the only way to tell is if they, 

1): Suddenly gasp when something exciting or unexpected happens in the book. 

2): Start talking to the book because that's not how they want the book to go. 

3): Hurl the book across the room when one of their favorite characters dies. 

4): Bawl at a sad part (like when someone someone else loves dies)

5): Laugh hysterically at some parts in the book.

Copy and paste this if you are one of these people.

Hi howrse gamers!! 

You see a kid abusing a puppy with a baseball bat,

95% would yell "STOP"
2% would cheer,
1% would go get the baseball bat, hit the kid, and go take the puppy to the vet.
2% aren't going to put this on their page
Post this on your page if you are one of the 1%

Look for the LOWER case `L` and you will be kissed tomorrow ! LLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLL. Now look for the `N`. This is really hard . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMM . Now find the mistake: ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Now wish for something you really want after the count down! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, Now close your eyes and make a wish ******************** .Now put this as your page and your wish will come true! You have 19 minutes! Or what you wished for will be the opposite.

My Game

I am only playing for fun... please do not be mean or rude to me;
Hi... Iam jakey123 (call me jakey) and i'm always up for a chat just PM me and i will reply ASAP!

OMG just won my first EVER divine in a HoP!!!! And second! And third in Cards!!!!! And a fourth in a HoP!

Always looking for a ... PM me if you have one on offer;
Also, Always looking for fertility wands so PM me if you have one on offer
If you would like me to breed you a uni, then PM me and I can try! Tell me what breed and if you want a male or female. 

In SOS Farm the horses get sold for minimum 2000e (depending on BM's, coat, etc) when they have 100% everything (health, moral, energy). If they have a BMI then the price may change. It depends on how rare it is. If they are pregnant then the price will be 6500-8000 (pure) and 3500-4000(not-pure)
