Hello there!

My name is Sophie, I'm from the UK and I'm 25, (I don't want to say I'm an "adult player" as that makes me sound old!) lol.
I used to play Howrse on the international server, when I was in high school, but life got crazy (as it tends to do!). 
I currently loan a wonderful pony twice a week, she is honestly the most gentle thing I have ever met and has a wonderful way of looking after whoever is on her back and melting absolutely everybody's hearts! Haha.
The horse in the photo is not mine, but an 18.1hh Clydesdale I rode on holiday - very placid and a gorgeous little fellow named Josh!

My aim on this game is to work my way up as much as possible - I try and congratulate back everyone that congratulates me everyday, and add friends that I would like to breed my horses with theirs.
My main focus in the game though, is to train, skill up and BLUP my horses, as I want to gradually start breeding better horses each time. I only usually breed and buy pure bred horses, as I feel that is important in the game usually...if I one day manage to eventually breed two amazing horses or different breeds, and skill and BLUP them to the max, then decide to breed them and make an awesome foal - who knows?! Lol.
I don't currently breed anything in particular - just a mixture of good skilled and BLUP'd horses I've managed to get my hands on. Although...I have a soft spot for draught horses - especially shires, so I'm always on the lookout to buy new ones.
Update: My focus at the moment is gaining enough money to buy new horses/foals for various trophies and possible breeding...it's hard when everyone wants passes for them lol. I'm also trying to go up in the general rankings too, so I'm not looking after all of my horses everyday at the moment.

I also am building my equestrian centre up, and trying to improve it in every way possible - go check it out :) I want to be able to provide the best service and equiptment, meadows and boxes possible, at an affordable price...as I know how expensive real life livery is! :S

Feel free to message me - I don't bite. I would prefer not to chat to people under the age of 16, but if you need advice or whatever my door is open.
Also if anyone has any advice or constructive criticism for me too...let me know! I'm always up for improving my game somehow!

Wandering horses came to visit:

Wilderness - 9/2/2018

Wilderness - 29/3/2018

Conductor - 27/7/19


17/3/18 - 3rd

18/3/18 - 9th

21/3/18 - 15th

22/3/18 - 11th

4/6/18 -26th

5/6/18 - 24th

6/6/18 - 21st

7/6/18 - 5th

9/6/18 - 2nd

10/6/18 - 23rd

11/6/18 - 10th

(this is not a focus for me, but rather a happy random achievement thanks to people on here)

Currently looking for a pure bred Shire male and Shire female foal (<1 or 2 years old). Need to have been played games with everyday (to help skill it up as a foal), and preferably with more than two stars. Can you help me? :)