Hi guys! My name is Harley and I'm new on this server, but not to the game as i have played on the international server before.
I am planning on breeding lots of pure Thoroughbreds on here.
Once I'm all settled in on here i will start selling horses for about 2,000 but i will say more about that later on.
If you couldn't already tell, i LOVE DC an Marvel, and i will quite happily talk to you.
If you do need help with the game, i can give some advice, as i have got really far on my international account.
clarissa17 is a great person by the way, you should totally check her account out.
I will accept any friend requests, and will help with any ongoing events too.
I have finished my GCSE years at school, so i might be a lot more active.
I listen to a lot of 5SOS, Twenty one Pilots, MCR, Pink, Skrillex, Imagine Dragons and lots more!
I have pet rabbits and guinea pigs, as well as a gorgeous thoroughbred stallion, called Max. He's very energetic and loves to go on long rides around the countryside.