[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 10:26:58
Does anyone think there will be The Seal of the Apocalypse back on the black market ?
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone think there will be The Seal of the Apocalypse back on the black market ?

I imagine it will at some point in the future normally pops up around halloween time or in promo's. Impossible to say when though or to be sure default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 13:40:57
new info about ( i think a returning promo? )
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When the next challenge begins, the story of the legendary horses will be told. The first legendary horse is Altaïr. An author will write the story of the legendary horses, and every time the community has gathered enough horseshoes, a new chapter will be opened. You can fulfill three objectives every day. Objective 1 = two horseshoes, 2= 4 horseshoes and three = 6 horseshoes. Objective three may be solvable with a video. For three objectives solved, the player gains a puzzle piece. You can also go back and solve the objectives you didn't solve the day before.There is legendary tack to be won, and once you have a full set (5, legendary saddle, bridle, saddle cloth, polo wraps and bonnet) you can give them to one of your own horses and trandform it into the legendary horse. The skills the horse has will then double. you'll also get one piece of the legendary star. Legendary horses can not participate in the Grand Prix anymore(!!).

another promo
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a small promo, water balloon fight where UFOs become water baloon with gifts you can throw at your friends (see an UFO, click it, it reveals a brown saddle, throw it at one of your friends and then both of you will have that brown saddle, for example)
The numbers here are likely to be different, in similar promos, they used to differ from server to server.
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 13:41:08
more about the maybe returning promo
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 13:42:30
more about the maybe returning promo
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the names of the horses in order from the top to the bottom

sorry about kinda spam
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 13:48:07
someone translated some info from the maybe returning promo

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"I translated Altair's description for what he offered for everyone, not just VIP players, and it translated to "24 hour VIP subscription if he drinks 2 times the same day." Im thinking its one of those chance things where if he drinks 2 times a day, you get a day of VIP subscription?"
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 14:03:33
Retired breeder wrote:

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"I translated Altair's description for what he offered for everyone, not just VIP players, and it translated to "24 hour VIP subscription if he drinks 2 times the same day." Im thinking its one of those chance things where if he drinks 2 times a day, you get a day of VIP subscription?"

Yes thats true,i understand french so i can confirm that default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 14:09:33
Retired breeder wrote:

someone translated some info from the maybe returning promo

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"I translated Altair's description for what he offered for everyone, not just VIP players, and it translated to "24 hour VIP subscription if he drinks 2 times the same day." Im thinking its one of those chance things where if he drinks 2 times a day, you get a day of VIP subscription?"

I wonder if this will be as frequent as Chinese Divine bonuses default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 14:09:40
more info

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As soon as you put one piece of legendary tack on your horse, it can't be sold anymore. If it is a stallion, coverings offered will be lost. Grand Prix entry will be lost. Morpheus Arms, Nyx Pack items, reproduction and customization items will be lost. A mare in gestation will lose the foal. Once all five legendary tack items are applied to the horse, it will gain a Philosophers Stone.
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 14:35:01
Oh jeez, that sounds like a nightmare.
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 15:08:30
I wonder how you get the tack..
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 15:42:06
'Amira' means 'Princess'
'Zaldia' means 'Horses' in basque
'Buchephalus' means 'Cow Head'(It was the horse of Alexander the Big, and 'Cow Head' was a mark)
Altair(Hikoboshi) was the lover of Vega(Orihime). Altair was a poor cow hoarder while Vega could weave as one could wish for. They fell in love, but they forgot to do their work. The Heaven Emperor punished them for becoming stars, but so far away from each other, they couldn't see each other anymore. Only when it's a bright July 7th, then swallows will form a bridge so they could meet each other one night. But it needs to be BRIGHT one, otherwise they must wait another yeardefault smiley :'(This story is the legend of the Japanese festival of Tanabata, a kind of Valentine).
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 15:43:09
Tormenta means Storm
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 15:45:42
(That's why Bucephalus' symbol is a cow head) Sorry for the kinda spam
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 16:55:48
I found a
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picture of Secret Rainbow

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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 20:08:25
Retired breeder wrote:

someone translated some info from the maybe returning promo

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"I translated Altair's description for what he offered for everyone, not just VIP players, and it translated to "24 hour VIP subscription if he drinks 2 times the same day." Im thinking its one of those chance things where if he drinks 2 times a day, you get a day of VIP subscription?"

Oh my gosh that will be so cool if it comes here!
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 20:32:12
But how can a horse drink twice?!default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 20:35:28
I did not know Secret Rainbow was a horse!!!!
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 20:35:40
Wait so.. for those legendary ones from tack.. am I correct in understanding that.. to get the most out of it... you'd need a top skiller.. so it has high skills.. to then transform it.. to double its skills.. to get the best you can from that legendary (if you want it to be an amazing horse).

Otherwise you use a random unwanted horse to dump tack on it to get a legendary with little loss.. but the doubling of skills would be kind of wasted..?
my guess was right about secret rainbow!

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Secret Rainbow is one of the horses of the rainbow sky.
Thanks to him, every first Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the month, gains diamond horses of the rainbow sky you own are doubled.
You will gain Secret Rainbow when you got all the other horses of the rainbow sky.
This horse can be sold.
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King wrote:

my guess was right about secret rainbow!

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Secret Rainbow is one of the horses of the rainbow sky.
Thanks to him, every first Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the month, gains diamond horses of the rainbow sky you own are doubled.
You will gain Secret Rainbow when you got all the other horses of the rainbow sky.
This horse can be sold.

YEEESSSS!!! default smiley :d
Phantom Ghosts
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And he can be sold ekk!!!! default smiley <:o)
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By Retired breeder, 27th June 2015 12:26:37
King wrote:

And he can be sold ekk!!!! default smiley <:o)

I think this should be in a spoiler...


I didn't state what I was talking about. I said 'he'. this could be any horse or divine. That is not a spoiler is it?

...default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 27th June 2015 12:58:20
Does anyone know anything about the two other draught horses coming?
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