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What's the info on the new pass horse system? Do any of you think it will be coming to our server soon?
The Morrigan
  • Posted messages: 216
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By Retired breeder, 21st May 2017 20:49:14
Copied from international
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"On 4 servers (CZ, IT, BG and RU) pass horses are no longer a thing. The 31 passes we can get per month now are reduced to a possible 10 passes per moth. The loyal pass meter we have now will max out at 30 points instead of 300 and in order to get passes you have to earn a total of 30 points to get your pass, with a max of 10 poiints earned per day. Which means if you're lucky enough to get 10 points over the course of 3 days then you can get a pass every 3 days.

What happens to older horses: When you send your first 10 horses that are 25 years or older to heaven you will get Yggdrasil. From then on, every time you send a horse 25 years or older to heaven you get tree rings for him that you can use to age him up. His appearance will change and you'll eventually get a photo album where you can scroll through all his appearance changes. Aside from the appearance change thing by adding these tree rings he does nothing else except that you can rename him. He offers no gift, you can't care for him which includes entering competitions.

I created an account on the CZ server to play around with it myself, and from November (when it was implemented) until February players reported issues with receiving the 10 points like they used to, meaning it was taking them days to get a single pass. They went through about two more updates to it until April where Admin reported it was finally "fixed" and that it should be easier to get points now. Players have reported a more consistent earning in points, but others are still frustrated as they aren't earning 10 points every day no matter what they do.

I've only logged on the CZ a couple times since the most recent update and received no more than 9 points the days I logged on and worked my account. It's not a reliable system in any way even if you do get 9-10 points the days you log in. If you miss one day of logging in you're guaranteed to *not* get 10 passes a month."
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Retired breeder wrote:

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"On 4 servers (CZ, IT, BG and RU) pass horses are no longer a thing. The 31 passes we can get per month now are reduced to a possible 10 passes per moth. The loyal pass meter we have now will max out at 30 points instead of 300 and in order to get passes you have to earn a total of 30 points to get your pass, with a max of 10 poiints earned per day. Which means if you're lucky enough to get 10 points over the course of 3 days then you can get a pass every 3 days.

What happens to older horses: When you send your first 10 horses that are 25 years or older to heaven you will get Yggdrasil. From then on, every time you send a horse 25 years or older to heaven you get tree rings for him that you can use to age him up. His appearance will change and you'll eventually get a photo album where you can scroll through all his appearance changes. Aside from the appearance change thing by adding these tree rings he does nothing else except that you can rename him. He offers no gift, you can't care for him which includes entering competitions.

I created an account on the CZ server to play around with it myself, and from November (when it was implemented) until February players reported issues with receiving the 10 points like they used to, meaning it was taking them days to get a single pass. They went through about two more updates to it until April where Admin reported it was finally "fixed" and that it should be easier to get points now. Players have reported a more consistent earning in points, but others are still frustrated as they aren't earning 10 points every day no matter what they do.

I've only logged on the CZ a couple times since the most recent update and received no more than 9 points the days I logged on and worked my account. It's not a reliable system in any way even if you do get 9-10 points the days you log in. If you miss one day of logging in you're guaranteed to *not* get 10 passes a month."

Honestly, this is pretty good, you no longer have to spend a load of ageing points on them!
  • Posted messages: 271
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^^ It does but the three days for a pass is a bit strange. I wouldn't have thought they would give passes out that quickly. And even if you only got 9 points a day, it will still only take 4 days for a pass. Howrse has always been stingy about giving out free passes so I'm very doubtful that this feature will stick.
The Morrigan
  • Posted messages: 216
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loriflanagan85 wrote:

Honestly, this is pretty good, you no longer have to spend a load of ageing points on them!

You don't have to spend aging points on them if you age them up daily. I breed mine from scratch (on INT) and they make me money by doing lessons every day and find APs for me as well.
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I've played with the new system on the CZ server and most players there still don't like it after several months of using it. It's too unreliable and you aren't guaranteed to get your 10 passes every month, never mind the extra 20 you can get if you choose to send extra horses to Heaven every month. If you miss one day of logging in you get no points at all
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 50
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I suppose, I guess it's because I'm no good at remembering to bed them down default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 271
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The Morrigan wrote:

^^ It does but the three days for a pass is a bit strange. I wouldn't have thought they would give passes out that quickly. And even if you only got 9 points a day, it will still only take 4 days for a pass. Howrse has always been stingy about giving out free passes so I'm very doubtful that this feature will stick.

default smiley (lol)
Currently you can get 10 passes by sending horses over 30 years of age to heaven. You can get 10 passes guaranteed with that method. There is even the possibility to earn more passes, if you have enough horses. Up to the maximum of passes is 30 a month.

The new method will cut that down to a total maximum of 10 passes. Add to that the fact that players have difficulties reaching those points - that cuts the free passes down from 30 passes to less than 10 passes.
30 passes = 100 %
10 passes = 33%
9 passes = 30%

Howrse cuts down the potential of free passes by 70 %. default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 101
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2017 11:17:52
is yggdrasil a divine, if so i'm confused so can someone tell me how to get it in simplified terms? default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2017 14:37:36
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It's not divine. It's tribal horse. Also doesn't have any perk or anything.

You can get him by sending 10 horses older than 25 years to heaven.
This change is for now only on 4 servers. IT, CZ, BG and RU.

By Retired breeder, 29th May 2017 09:29:47
do you have to do them all at once or just over time? thanks for the answer by the way
God this new pass horse system sounds awful! Yggdrasil sounds completely pointless and worthless. We probably won't be able to earn 400k+ by selling the pass horses anymore as i wouldn't pay that to change a horses appearance nor will be able to get free passes so much. So actually it would become totally pointless to get horses to a certain age really. Might as well SH them.

What are you doing to this game?
  • Posted messages: 295
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Polly4 wrote:

God this new pass horse system sounds awful! Yggdrasil sounds completely pointless and worthless. We probably won't be able to earn 400k+ by selling the pass horses anymore as i wouldn't pay that to change a horses appearance nor will be able to get free passes so much. So actually it would become totally pointless to get horses to a certain age really. Might as well SH them.

What are you doing to this game?

I know what you mean, ever since Ubisoft joined them it's been terrible.
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Reposting Kušni's preview.
Only thing I have to say is the main price is a bit different, And I updated the pricelist a bit.
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ie. instead of getting a fifth element in general, you will get a special water element. Which is pretty much the same just that you only get the water coat.

There is also a collection to complete again. According to the German server you have to "collect" the curses the kids cast upon you if you don't satisfy them.
Two sets of two curses each give you 2 blowing shells and two other sets containing of three curses will give you three blowing shells each. Completing all four gives you a HoP.
Not really fussed by the idea to give them wrong sweets just to get a few more kids default smiley (o)

Retired breeder wrote:

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It's basically Halloween promo with different theme.

How can kids visit you?
Everyday there'll be kids, who will want different offerings from you.
Watch out for pranks, they'll made on you, if you won't give them, what the want.

Kids visit you normally during day.
Everyday, the number of kids visiting you will increase.
They'll stay with you for 48 hours, then leave.

If you want more kids to visit you:

Horn - 1 pass
Each blast with a horn, will call one kid to you.
Kids, that'll visit you after the blast, will stay with you until the end of the promotion.

How to get offerings?
- First log-in of the day (17x per day)
- Grooming a horse (4x per day)
- Winning the competition (4x per day)
- Production in workshops
- Flash sales
- Black Market

You'll earn Golden Horseshoes on:
- 20 satisfaction points
- 940 satisfaction points
- 3730 satisfaction points
- 7600 satisfaction points

Get 2 or more GH to take part in the draw for the Tangaroa divine.

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Tangaroa is one of the Maori horses.

Tangaroa has Tiki, which you have to fill with mana.
To do this, you have to search through three turtle nests, to find out, if there are any turtles:
1 turtle = 5x mana
2 turtles = 20x mana
3 turtles = 80x mana
When Tiki reaches 800 mana, Tangaroa will offer you a gift - 5. Element.

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There are also workshops, but I skipped them, because I'm too lazy to translate it. default smiley (lol)
20 points = Helios' Ray + 3x AP
80 points = 25 Carrot seeds + Bells
180 points = Classical ridle 2** + Apollo lyre
310 points = 20x Mash + Croesus' Fortune
480 points = Classical saddle 2** + 500 points into overall ranking
690 points = Bandages 2** blue + Plutos parchment
940 points = 20x Leather + Pandora's box
1220 points = Ear bonnet 2** white and blue + Water trough
1540 points = 100% Morale for your horses + Medusa's blood
1900 points = Classical saddle cloth 2** blue + Water of youth
2300 points = 5,000 equus + Fertility wand
2740 points = Western saddle cloth 2** blue and white + Bonus pack
3220 points = 20x AP + Double-sided medallion
3730 points = 10% energy for your horses + Poseidon pack
4280 points = Spurs + Hestia's gift
4870 points = Achilles heel + Piece of cloud
5500 points = 25x Manure + Golden apple
6160 points = Hypnos blanket + 100,000 equus
6860 points = Shower + Themis balance
7600 points = Tangaroa
  • Posted messages: 4,856
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By Retired breeder, 5th June 2017 21:54:01
Is the new pass horse system coming to the uk server
Retired breeder wrote:

Is the new pass horse system coming to the uk server

Please always use a spoiler banner when talking about stuff not yet implemented.
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And for now there are no information if and when it will implemented on this server.
Can be next month, can be next year, or not at all. We can only tell, if the changes coming admin will most likely announce it a few weeks before actually doing it.
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Just entering in this topic again, not sure what I'm looking at default smiley (lol)
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What's this new pass horse system malarkey?
Also, what will be the next promo?
  • Posted messages: 3,724
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The newest promotion:

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The Great Challenge is making a comeback, but instead of the lottery we all know, we will be getting the Derby instead. The amount of horseshoes earned in the GC will determine how many races can be run per day in the Derby.

Of course, players can work on daily objectives to earn horseshoes, and this will determine each players' access to HOP offers once the Derby begins:

By the way, I say that the divine will be in the horns of plenty.
5 horns of plenty = 6 (from 40 irons)
4 horns of plenty= 5 (from 80 irons)
3 horns of plenty= 4 (from 115 irons)
2 horns of plenty= 3 (from 145 irons)

The big prize from the Derby is the next installment of the Plant Kingdom Divines.

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"Caryopsis is one of the Plant Kingdom horses.

She can be watered instead of drinking.

This horse's skills increase when you give them Droppings. The skills increase depends on the amount of Droppings the horse is given, as well as the season in the game.

When she reaches 80 skill points, she can be pruned. Her skills will then be reset to 0, but she'll give you 1 x Pass Seed!

This mare cannot be sold."

A new page feature for Divine families:

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A new page for special horses!

Discover the page of special horses

We have just created a new page bringing together all the families of special horses of the game. It gives an overview of all the families that exist and allows to access the dedicated page of each one.

This page aims to highlight the divine horses but also to allow you to see them at a glance, or even to discover new ones that you did not know before.

So you will not need to go to Ow or other players to find information about a specific divine horse. This page allows you to find it much more easily.

You already know the pages for Maori, The horses of Etria, the horses of the Plant Kingdom, the Celts, the Egyptians, the Zodiacs and the Legendaries. For the launching of the page of divine families, we have created a page for the Wind Divines and for the Wilds. Other families will follow soon.

Go directly to the page of special horses page via the menu "Exploits" or by clicking here.

More information as it comes available default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 5,397
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Oh, that new divine is really interesting!
  • Posted messages: 136
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One pass seed every 80 points. With an average of 39,6 points a day (calculating with 30 days a month) we need about 50 days to get enough pass seeds for a single pass. Then letting it grow for another 30 days. Means the first pass would take about 80 days and all succeeding ones 50.
Not the best RoI if I may say. But as it is in the HoPs I probably get it either way..
  • Posted messages: 4,856
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To clarify on a few points of T_D_ promotion:

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The Derby is actually not being tested yet as testing just ended for the Tangaroa/Celebrations promotion so no clue on prizes as of yet. However, this Derby does NOT replace the lottery and they will alternate in future.

Furthermore, an admin has written to clarify that this Derby is not exactly the same as the Championship events we have had in the past. Rather than the mini games involving pleating a horse's mane, grooming etc we've had in the past you partake in what seems like a funfair game; you throw balls and the pit it lands in is random, however each pit corresponds to the amount of paces you can make in the race at the end of the mini game. For example, one pit may be labeled +5 and that adds 5 paces to the total amount of paces you can make in that particular race. You may skip this process altogether and just chose to race, and you get a random result.

As I have mentioned before, there may be up to 4 races a day depending on the amount of irons the community collects during the Great Challenge period.
  • Posted messages: 5,397
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Another few new information:
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First off, an image of the divine families.

And the new promo:
As always: credits go to the German player trakifan. I‘m just translating again

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First part is the Great Challenge. We all know enough about it so I‘ll keep it short.
Horseshoes are exchanged with stars. One star for each obbjective, all three a day give you the puzzle piece. Prices as always at the end of the GC.
Instead of tickets you get boni from helping others which you‘ll need for the second part of the promo. Again, only once per day.

Main price is, as already mentioned by other players, Caryopsis.

"Caryopsis is one of the Plant Kingdom horses.
She can be watered instead of drinking.
This horse's skills increase when you give them Droppings. The skills increase depends on the amount of Droppings the horse is given, as well as the season in the game.
When she reaches 80 skill points, she can be pruned. Her skills will then be reset to 0, but she'll give you 1 x Pass Seed!
This mare cannot be sold."

VIPs can get her by opening HoPs in the GC, the rest must have to wait until the derby.

Second part will not be the lottery as last times but the aforementioned derby.
Some French guy uploaded a video of the derby. YT video
There will still be GCs with the lottery but they want to get a bit diversity in it, so the derby it is now.
The derby is based on a game you‘ll mind find on funfairs. You throw a ball and your horse moves the appropriate amount of steps depending where you ball landed.
Depending on your placing you will receive a certain amount of flags. Player can play up to four games a day, depending on how well we did in the GC.
Additional games cost Equus, starting with 50 and quadrupling up to 300.000. This will reset on a daily basis so you start with 50e costs each day.
You click on start, chose your colour (the others are AI/bots) and then start again. The ball will be thrown in one of the holes, which are labelled with 3-6 and are (or supposed to be) equally likewise to get.
You need to throw the balls until you got 60 points. You can also skip the whole part of abusing your mouse button for 50.000 equus.

You can also use boni, which you get from:
- helping in the GC // one per day
- winning competitions // twice a day, six per winning
- friends // five or six (?) a day for 500e each request
- UFOs
- NOT buyable

Flags and gifts:
If you got enough flags you can chose to trade them for gifts. If you chose a gift, it‘s costs triples if you want it again.
The ‚exchange‘ is open for another 72h after the promo ended, so you‘ll get more than enough time to change your last flags.


Easy way:
After opeing 15 HoPs (including free ones) you get the divine in your reserved for 20 passes. Each HoP opened afterwards drops the costs by one pass, with a minium 5 passes after opening 30.
So, if you got the 2 => 3 offer the costs for the divine are 25 passes at most.

Derby way:
Caryopsis needs 1350 flags. You get 13.5 flags on average so 100 games needed. There are only 28 (at most) so you would need to buy another 72 (at least).
Total equus would be around 11 million. Daily costs are depicted and calculated as followed:

uhm yeah. That‘s for now from the German front default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 4,856
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By Retired breeder, 21st June 2017 12:21:04
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Sadly, maximum cost is 500,000 equus, not 300,000 equus as everyone thought..
It was mistake from french admin,, (Wrote 300,000, however now on testing it is 500,000 max,, )
English language screenshots of T_D_ promotion, the new Plant Kingdom Divine, the new features re. Divines and the changelog submissions for said new feature as well as a few tweaks to the Help Center.

Note: Please click on the images to view full size, apologies for any blurriness.

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The Derby, you choose your horse (colour) and the dotted line indicates how many paces you have left to 'run'. The ball lands in a random pit which indicates how many paces you run.You can use a bonus to remove a lower value pit.

Caryopsis, the new Plant's Kingdom Divine

The Changelog with the new update, including the new Divine's page (see below) and a few tweaks to the Help Center.

The new Divine Families page. The greyed out ones are those families which do not yet have their own page. More will be added gradually.
  • Posted messages: 5,397
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What's happening with the Derby thing? Is it the next promo and how does it work?
I've read through the things about it but can't make sense of it. Do you basically enter good horses into a race and win prizes?
  • Posted messages: 271
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loriflanagan85 wrote:

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What's happening with the Derby thing? Is it the next promo and how does it work?
I've read through the things about it but can't make sense of it. Do you basically enter good horses into a race and win prizes?

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Next one will the Great Challenge. Which is the same thing as we had loads in the last time. The one usually followed by the lottery. But this time it won't be a lottery but the derby.
Gameplay of it is pretty easy: You go to the page, click on start which costs you a few (or more) equus, then you chose a colour and spam the 'throw' button until "your" horse has reached the goal. Depending on where you place you get flags which you can trade for gifts.
I posted a YouTube video in my last post which contains more detail of the promo itself and a list of the prices.
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