The rankings
In each ranking page, you can view your ranking by using the link "Display my position in the rankings" located at the top of the page.
Use the numbers in red or green with a - or + character in front of them to assess your day-to-day progress.
General ranking
On this page, you will find:
- The players' general ranking. Please note that only 10,000 of your horses with the most skills are taken into account for this ranking.
- ranking of the players with the most trophies.
- ranking of the richest players
- ranking by seniority
- ranking by popularity, which is calculated according to the number of visits made by different players during the previous day. Trying to move players up this ranking by viewing their profile page several times is useless, because only one visit will be taken into account.
The ranking of the breeders
On this page, you can view:
- ranking for breeders with the most horses
- ranking for breeders who cared for the most horses during the previous day
- ranking for breeders who won the most competitions during the previous day
- ranking for breeders who won the most rosettes during the previous day
- ranking for breeders who sent the most horses to heaven this month
- ranking for breeders who sent the most horses aged over 25 to heaven this month
- ranking for breeders who sold the most horses to the Safe Haven this month
On the first day of every month, the player who won the most rosettes during the previous month will be awarded a special horse. Every month, you can win one of the recently released breeds.
The ranking of the horses
Because all horses are not necessarily lucky in competitions, they may also be ranked according to either overall skill or a specific skill. Therefore, you will find a ranking for each skill.
You can also filter the ranking of the horses by breed and thus see the best individual of each breed.
In each of these rankings, you may display the position of your own horses and monitor their progress.
The horse victory ranking
Horses are ranked according to their results in competitions. There is a general ranking as well as one for each type of competition (trot and gallop races, cross-country, show-jumping...). Horses that have the highest record of achievements are obviously great champions with exceptional skills, but they are also horses whose trainers have managed their career in the most intelligent way possible.
Creation Ranking
On this page, you'll find:
- Ranking of breeders who own the most horses with a Golden Apple
- Ranking of breeders who own the most horses with a Retired Golden Apple
- Ranking of players who have proposed the most creations
- Ranking of players whose creations are the most frequently used in the game