1 - Create and manage1.1 - General information1.2 - Location1.3 - Store1.4 - Box1.5 - Meadows1.6 - Workshops2 - Prosperity2.1 - Boarders2.2 - Benefits2.3 - Enhancements2.4 - Missions2.5 - Competitions2.6 - Employees3 - Reputation3.1 - Page3.2 - Prestige3.3 - Rankings3.4 - Rosettes
1.3 - The storeAt the shop, you will find everything necessary to operate your equestrian centre spread throughout the different departments:Enhancements, where you can find items to improve your meadow yields or make your boxes more comfortableAgriculture, where you can purchase seeds and fertilizers to use in your meadows when growing cropsResources, where you can purchase all the ingredients required to craft the items to run your equestrian center. This is also the place where you can purchase bedding for your boxesFood and Equipment, where you can purchase food and tack to offer to your boarders instead of using it for your own horsesBoxes, workshops, meadows and greenhouses can be purchased from the page where they are used. Racetracks and calves (depending on your equestrian centre speciality) are purchased from the competitions page.On the shop page, you can also check your inventory or sell items if you want to. However, you will not be able to sell racetracks, boxes, meadows, greenhouses or workshops installed in your centre.