I believe I'm a fluffy pink unicorn!

I think that it is about time that I wrote this message..It comes with some sadness that I have to say this, but I think that I need to take a break from howrse for a while. To most of you you've probably already noticed that I've been on less and less over the months and with work and "home life" I'm busy enough and the truth is that I have started to lose interest in the game. It's not the same as it was and I feel that the only reason I have stayed so long (and at all) is due to all my lovely friends that I met because of this game. I will still be around from time to time and I'm more than happy to log in if I'm needed for any team blups, but it's best to contact me directly from now since I don't check PMs as often as I should. I want to say thank you to all my amazing friends! For without you guys I'd have gone crazy a long time ago (OK well more crazy) and that I hope to return more frequently once things get better here, but until then I'll be keeping my howrse play to a minimum. xx


* About Me *

My name is Robyn.
I'm an adult female, so kids, please ask your parents before you message me.;).png?1828806360
Ok so, you want to know more? Well here goes..
  • I'm a (single), young adult women.
  • I don't tell people my name, age, etc.. So if you harass me about it, I WILL block you.
  • I am very busy with RL stuff right now, so if you do message me and I don't reply quickly please don't be offended, I've probably just not logged in yet!
  • I LOVE music! as well as computers.
  • I'm not a girly person, so please do not PM me about boy bands or stuff like that because I wont answer :-X.png?1828806360
  • Oh and last, but not least! If you mess with my friends... I will not be happy. That is all... (m).png?1828806360

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