I am an adult player.

No doubt a rework/rewrite is in need.

Friendship requests are accepted, this does include for:
Will mention this as well, I am an adult player and only play here on the UK server. I'm not sure whether to venture further out onto any other servers.

Can't say I'm a brilliant player here but we all start somewhere, I do previously use to play before I lost my account due to being inactive. So, been doing everything all over again.
I've finally been able to successfully open an Equestrian Centre, so I'm quite proud there.

I do also suffer from mental health issues, when going through dark times I have found I disappear and often my gameplay is affected. For this, those I've made friends with and also in my Centre, I'm sorry. However, I do have to put myself first and at the end of the day - I can't always find it in my to bring my energy to the positive energy needed for here.
However, tips are often appreciated.

More Information to follow soon, please be patient.