Last Updated: 21st June 2021


Thank you to ZolaTheBat for the really awesome badge!

Q. What Information You Will Find On My Page?


Free Competition Fillers

Any of my horses in competitions called Forest, Mountain, Rides Done, Bolded, or Comp Filler are all entered in comps for bolding and anyone is welcome to use them as fillers for wins, but the skills vary so please do check your blup has more skills to ensure your horse wins.


If any player provides my name as a reference on a team application, make sure to ask me if I agreed to provide the reference. (They may not have asked my permission. I will provide a reference if I feel I have sufficient knowledge/experience of the player to provide a reference.)

New Rides Explained:

Mountain Ride: Skills gained from mountain are Speed, Stamina and Trot.
Forest Ride: Skills gained from forest are Dressage, Gallop and Jumping.

I have a guide for first time bluppers on getting 100 blup, scroll to the bottom of my page. There is also a more detailed description on my EC page.


If you are blupping a horse and need to get 20 wins/ fillers, name your blup 
Stands for: "Need Wins - Blupping - Assistance Appreciated" 
Means that if I see your blupping and need help getting 20 wins (NOT MORE THAN 20) that other players can look out for you or help you out by putting fillers in your competitions and that you appreciate the help, if players help you out, try and return the favour. This does not mean other's can't enter the same competition as your horse, this is simply to allow players without direct access to fillers, some help. If you want to ask other players to do same for you feel free to copy and paste this on your page. 
(Credit from Twilight Connemaras page if you copy this.) 

Questions about the game are welcome. 
Add me as a friend: Click here.
Scroll down my page for a guide to blupping.

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A Guide for First Time Bluppers

(This was written by Twilight Connemaras, do not copy without permission).
If you want more detail go to my EC page by clicking this link.
Understanding blupping has never been a particularly easy task to those unfamiliar to it, when you ask how do you get a horse from a blup value of zero to 100 the most common answer is “Bold the top 3 skills, age the horse to 10 years old and get 20 wins in competitions” well this isn’t very descriptive, it gives you the goal but not the method. What I hope to do in this explanation is to help the reader understand why those three goals are important and how you can obtain them by breaking it down into steps. I have aimed to make this guide easy to follow for those completely new to blupping, it is written for this and nothing else, many players have different methods and orders to how they blup, this is not my concern here, my concern is the understanding so once you understand that, you may blup in your preferred manner. I will start with the most simple part:

1. The horses age. Even if a horse was never bolded in its top three skills and never won any competitions, so long as it was aged to 10 years old it would still increase in blup value until it reached 10 years old. After 10 years of age the horse will no longer gain any blup value from being aged.

2. The horse must win 20 competitions. A horse can win in any combination and any kind of competition but it must be 1st place. Anything else is not a win, so if your horse gets a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th these have no effect on the blup value. You do not have to get the wins in the same kind of competitions, or even in the same discipline, just so long as all first places added together equal 20. If you win more than 20 it does not increase the blup value, once 20 are achieved that is it.

3. The third part which makes up 100 blup is called “bolding the 3 skills”, I will break this down into what it means. Bold or bolding refers to when a skill can no longer gain skills from training, rides or competitions. Bold / bolding is what happens to the text of the skill, it literally goes into bold text. Lastly what does the 3 skills mean, this refers to the highest three genetic skill values out of the total 6 displayed in the genetic tab of your horse, this is key. You need to identify which are the highest 3 values in the genetic skills tab, the lowest three skill values in the genetic skills tab will never ever increase the blup value, but the highest three of the six genetic skills will. 

Okay, I hope this had made sense so far, if you are unsure have a look at your own horses and other players horses. So now down to the method. This is the simplest method on blupping, and no the order does not matter or affect the blup value.

Follow these steps one by one and only move on to the next step when you have completed the first.

1. Identify what are the highest three skills in the genetics tab out of the six skills (Stamina, Speed, Dressage, Gallop, Trot, Jump).

2. Once you have identified what the three highest skills are you will know that those are the 3 skills you need to bold.

4. Do the rides appropriate to those three skills.

New Rides Explained:

The skills gained from rides:

Mountain Rides: Speed, Stamina and Trot.

Forest Ride: Dressage, Gallop and Jumping.

5. Once you have got all the skills you need for the 3 top genetic skills from rides, you are ready to do the training.

6. Complete training your horse in the 3 skills its best at in genetics tab.

7. Do the competitions appropriate to those three skills until you get no more skills from them (just like rides, once you gain all of a skill from a competition you can no longer gain it from other competition types).


Barrel: Skills gained are Stamina, Speed & Gallop.
Cutting: Skills gained are Dressage, Stamina & Speed. 
Reining: Skills gained are Dressage, Gallop & Stamina. 
Trail: Skills gained are Dressage, Trot & Jumping.
Western Pleasure: Skills gained are Dressage, Trot & Stamina. 


 Cross-country: Skills gained are Stamina, Dressage & Jump.
Dressage: Skills gained are Dressage, Gallop & Trot. 
Gallop: Skills gained are Gallop, Speed & Dressage. 
Trot: Skills gained are Trot, Speed & Dressage. 
Show jumping: Skills gained are Jump, Speed & Dressage. 

8. If your have done all these steps correctly and your horse is still not bolded, go back and check that you got all the of the three skills from the competitions, all the three skills from the rides and you completed the training. The only reason a skill may not be bolded is because a ride, training, or competition has not been completed.

9. Once all of the highest three genetic skills have bolded and your horse has 20 first places and is at least 10 years old, your horse will have 100 blup, if the horse is not 100 blup, go back and check as you may have missed something out.

You can also view these visual guides on my YouTube channel were I explain them in detail in a video.



About Me
I'm an adult player who has played on the UK server since day one, I did play on international since 2008 but stopped being competitive on it in 2011. I have been first in general ranking on the UK twice and am one of the founding members of Artemis which was established on day one of this server. I previously had the most horses on the game and the most equus. I have had five coats in total accepted for use on the game, three in 2010 on the international server, they are all retired coats, and two on the UK server in April 2014 and February 2015. I was the first UK player to achieve over 100,000 congratulations, thank you to everyone who has congratulated my game (28/02/2015). My motto has always been "Treat others with respect and you will receive it in return". I'm happy to answer howrse game play questions.
