
I'm a 28 year old women from Scotland. I used to play Howrse years ago and have only just recently got back into playing. 

My prioties while playing:
1) Main focus is on throroughbreds. Im aiming for high GP mainly but I am a sucker for a pretty coat so trying to get the best of both worlds 
2) Trying to get good GP Shire Horses while also bolstering the bred so plan is to sell foals unless the contribute to raising overall GP of the stable. I adore Clyesdale Horses (I'm from the area they originate) so until they're added to the game Shire's are the next best thing! 
3) I'm also trying to slowly collect 1 of every bred with the hopes of having at least decent GP for most- though that feels like a very lofty goal so well see how long that lasts 