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What is the price range for foundation horses? How much can I sell them for and is there any way to filter them out in sales?

1 answer67 views
If you mean an original foundie at 350gp, you may be able to sell it to a collector for around 250-500k dependent on breed, coat and gender. If you mean any horse from Oranous and Gaia with a gp in the thousands (such as a Ran or Hipparion foal), 5-10k at most for a common coat and breed. Rarer coats will sell for more, so you should check the sales dependent on coat for those and not gp. This is based on the pure price of the horse as a foal, no skills or items included.

If you know the gp of the foundation horses you're looking for, search on the sales page and enter the Genetic Potential in the search settings. Pop the number in there, make sure purebred is checked and that will be your best chance. There is no dedicated way to find specifically foundation horses.