Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks


You can now complete two daily objectives each day! Some players can earn equus and others passes, depending on your seniority level.

Find your daily objectives on the homepage of the game, which is the page you see after logging into the game.

Completing the daily objectives seven days in a row will give a Horn of Plenty You can check on your progress through the gauge bar directly from the Daily Objectives.

Within this thread, players who need help, want to help, or just would like to share their progression with the daily objectives are welcome to post here.

All forum rules apply, which includes no advertising.

Warm Regards,
The Howrse Team
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grooming, feeding, watering will all raise a horse's morale. Its not easy when you are very n ew because losing comps doesn't lower morale and also apparently horses wake up with 100% in the morning. Try not feeding properly for *one* day and age the horse. Do not do it for any longer than one day, and then overfeed the next day to raise the horse's weight again.
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By Retired breeder, 28th July 2022 14:40:27
hey there! i'm still quite new to the game n such but have figured out quite a bit so far, one thing i still don't understand though are the crops n meadows etc for like your equestrian centre, could anyone briefly explain this or maybe the equestrian centre in general? thank you!
There is a whole manual dedicated to the EC, its on the Help Centre page, at the bottom. Have a read of that, and then when you have specific questions, come back and start a topic. Much easier for you to find answers if you start a topic rather than asking a question with a wide range in a topic on tricks and tips for the Daily Objectives.
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I have an objective to receive an item through Item Donation - does this mean being gifted an item from a friend via the friends page, or is it referring to being gifted an item through item exchange, or is it something else? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I've never heard of 'Item Donation' before. default smiley xd
If anybody knows what it means and could let me know that would be greatly appreciated!
  • Posted messages: 339
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its the gifting system. Why they renamed it, who knows. You just have to receive a gift from a friend on your friend list.
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It's not a daily objective but I'm having trouble completing Objective 55: Train a horse in its best skill. I have an Akhal-Teke, I trained him so that Stamina, Dressage and Jumping are all bolded and the objective is still not complete. I don't know what else I can do?
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apparently, that one meant to train the horse in the skill it had the most points in at the time. It puzzled me too, when i did the beginner objectives on another server.

So, if the horse you are looking at has 50 points in each skill but 60 in jump, then train it in jump. (for example)
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By Retired breeder, 26th September 2022 04:46:10
Can someone please help me? for today's daily objective i need to be congratulated by 2 people, so could someone please congratulate me? Already thank you!
best way to do this is to go and do some congratulating of your own. People will see them and respond. You only have to get two and you have 24 hours to get them so its pretty easy.
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main objective use 12 aging ponts.

being careful only to use howrses with ageing points, i should have completed objective by now. why have i only use 16%.
seems like too many innovations and not enough care keeping the game running smoothly.
i have recently joined the USA version - far less things going wrong.

seriously thinking of quitting - instead of being a relaxing hobby i can feel my stress levels rising - waiting for the next thing to not work.
Dakota Rider
  • Posted messages: 128
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Not sure what you mean by 'being careful only to use horses with aging points'.

As long as you use 12 aging points, you can age the same horse twelve times, six horses twice each, four horses three times each, even twelve different horses.

16% means youve used 16% of 12 aging points so far.
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hey all, how do I win a golden horseshoe in an event? Thanks x
  • Posted messages: 15
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we have constant events now, and the gold horseshoes are 'participation trophies' which you collect during a current Event. The one going on now, that is finishing tomorrow, is the Hike. If you have looked around and clicked on buttons you may have found it. There is a banner on the top of your screen and also one on the home page. To get a horseshoe you have to pass the 100,200, 300 and 400km check points. We will have another event starting on Thursday if you dont have time to get one in this event. Usually the criteria for getting horseshoes is listed on the last page of the Help/tutorial pages for an event.
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Hello! Could someone please help, I’ve got a daily objective of equip my horse with golden spurs… I don’t mean to come across dumb but I’m struggling how to actually equip them default smiley xd so if anyone could help out that would be amazing default smiley ^)default smiley (y)
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1. have one in your inventory, or buy one from the shop

2. Go to the page of the horse you want to give them to

3. click on the Bonus tab on the horse's page.

4. Click on the 'give a bonus' link.

5. Choose the spurs from the list on the pop up and click the green button.

You can also do the above by clicking on the + button by the horse's name and choosing give a bonus from that menu
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Hi guys.
Could someone help please? My objective is to have a new horse to board at my EC
Gabby Appleby
  • Posted messages: 9
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as soon as one boards, you will validate the objective. Even if you put a horse of your own in your EC. What you cannot do, is ask people to do things for you. As it says in the opening comment, made by an Admin.

Cailow wrote:

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Right so am I right in thinking I can only skip one daily objective?

If so, how do I finish last in 4 comps or how can I get a 2** Pink saddle cloth
Gabby Appleby
  • Posted messages: 9
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The “finish last” task is easy but you need to look into the other horses skills

What I usually do is use a horse that has super low skills and just flick through the different comps

Organise it into participants and try to go for ones that have 3/5 or 4/5 entries (3/5 means you wanna enter 2 horses into the same comp if possible to sorta up the chances)

Lastly (not sure how helpful this is for others, but…) I usually have an easier time checking the overall skills of all the other horses already in the competition by using the mobile version of the site - it gives you a quick summary of their skills which can make it easier to sorta confirm your horse is gonna lose…
Again, it helps me - might not be for everyone though!
(If you do wanna access it but you’re on a computer - change the “www” with “m”)

Hope this helps at all!
  • Posted messages: 642
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Anyone know what the "validate 4 special features" objective means? apparently I've already done 75% of it but I don't know what else can be done?
  • Posted messages: 3
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they are all displayed on the objectives page. Once you have done number 100 and the accessed reserved sales that one will also validate.
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Hey, does anyone know how I “win a gift in a contest”?
What contest does it mean and where do I find it?

Thank you in advance
  • Posted messages: 4
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this is a new objective and no=one is quite sure what it means. At least one person has said that it validated when they stroked a Xanthos, another said that they congratulated Topaz and that validated it. It may also mean winning a prize in the Lottery.
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Ayjay wrote:

this is a new objective and no=one is quite sure what it means. At least one person has said that it validated when they stroked a Xanthos, another said that they congratulated Topaz and that validated it. It may also mean winning a prize in the Lottery.

Yes, I stroked a Xanthos and checked it and it had complete it! Thank you default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 4
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I have an objective to ”be congratulated two times”, thankful for any help default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 6
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