we seem to be getting a fair amount of scam reports through at the moment

please remember the rules of not doing trades outside the official routes is there to protect YOU

Admin and us as mods cannot get things back to you and by agreeing to trades such as i'll give you x item and y horse for your horse called z it puts both players in the wrong. the scammer for doing the scamming, the scammed player for going into the trade

Unfortunately in this world not everyone is honest and we do not like seeing these things happen

so to summarise
horse trades... don't do them
item trades.... use the item exchanges

don't trade horses for anything other than passes and equus.
this is for your own protection, while we do sypathise things happen if things are done how you are advised to scamming won't happen.

if someone offers you a trade please remind them that it's not allowed or send through as a pm report for us to deal with
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2015 19:45:14
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 27th November 2015 16:48:05
I´ve been more than a year on the spanish version of Howrse, and that´s really bad because they can cheat you by that.So do not do it, and if you do it and then, they do not give the horse back to you, it´s your problem, you did not follow the rules.
By Retired breeder, 27th November 2015 16:58:54
I hope the PIC above works

But anyway I have never had an trouble with hackers on the website I have on others but I do think that they should change the rules on messaging so that before they r sent they go through some rules so no inappropriate images or messages are exchanged.
By Retired breeder, 28th November 2015 18:51:53
Retired breeder wrote:

But anyway I have never had an trouble with hackers on the website I have on others but I do think that they should change the rules on messaging so that before they r sent they go through some rules so no inappropriate images or messages are exchanged.

hackers.. yeah. Hold on while i hack a howrse account real quick and get 10-15 years in prison and a permanent record. Yeah, hold on so i get my malware and software up so i can steal these pixel ponies.. not.
Imagine going to court and saying "I stole pixel ponies". XD
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2015 18:56:25
AppleOfTheEye wrote:

Imagine going to court and saying "I stole pixel ponies". XD

If i was a judge id loose my stuff right there. id tell them to go to default smiley xd
Who even hacks howrse. Like please.
By Retired breeder, 7th December 2015 23:05:51
I bought the business key and it's not letting me on item exchange. Why???
Double check your email address has been verified as that's the most likely culprit. You can find a full list of the criteria you need in section 1.4 of the breeder's manual in Game Help if validating your email hasn't worked and you need to look into it a bit further (the business key just removes the seniority constraint, the rest of the item trading rules on the help page still apply).
  • Posted messages: 4,539
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  • Seniority: 4,896 days
''Hold up John, just need to finish stealing these pixel ponies!''
  • Posted messages: 2,458
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Orieo, Oh my goddefault smiley xddefault smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 15th December 2015 17:30:14
Orieo // Good picture! Very good and funny!
By Retired breeder, 17th December 2015 02:25:05
Hacking is when someone goes onto your account without your permission. if you have an account it can get hacked. if they guessed your password, they were trying to get on your account. its not just "oh no i dropped my keyboard and it magicaly typed in this girl's username and password!" even if you have a bad password (like "password" or "12345") someone tried to get on your account. if they did thats hacking.
By Retired breeder, 17th December 2015 06:09:38
Retired breeder wrote:

Hacking is when someone goes onto your account without your permission. if you have an account it can get hacked. if they guessed your password, they were trying to get on your account. its not just "oh no i dropped my keyboard and it magicaly typed in this girl's username and password!" even if you have a bad password (like "password" or "12345") someone tried to get on your account. if they did thats hacking.

There's no hacking on howrse, and if there was it'd be when a person tries to use a program that can guess the password. But they would never do that with a normal player, they'd go after the mods or players that are high in the Rankings, as it might seem to them that those players might have passes or special perks or advantages.
By Retired breeder, 19th December 2015 21:27:57
I was hacked 2 years ago with no passes and 170 days of senority...
I've never been hacked; I've always had high quality passwords... my father drilled that into me from the start default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 2,458
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^ best passwords are either a bunch of random words or random letters capital letters numbers and symbols. they're a pain to memorise thoughdefault smiley (8)
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By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2015 19:51:11
[quote=1504245423][author]Orieo[/author]''Hold up John, just need to finish stealing these pixel ponies!''
My hero.
By Retired breeder, 26th December 2015 18:11:06
I think I've heard one or twice of this happenning, bur personally, I don't understand why people accept to do this illegal trading when there is a risk that you will be cheated. The only understandable answer I can think of is that they can't sell a certain horse or BMI legally through the Howrse sales available, but is it worth the risk? Everyone reeding this should think before they act. This might prevent YOU from losing a treasured horse or BMI and it could have consequences. This message is for YOUR good. Don't accept the message and if you do, make sure it's worth the loss and definatelly do not be sad when you are cheated. This is YOUR fault if you are. Take this message in mind...
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2015 18:43:37
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2015 18:48:27
When I started howrse 8 years ago there were riding levels and things like that and pass horses were like 5000e and you could buy aging points too...
By Retired breeder, 28th December 2015 22:30:57
[quote=1504246949][author]<em>Retired breeder</em>[/author]This is YOUR fault if you are.[/quote:0]
With that being said, its ad some people were not raised with 'do not steal' drilled into them.
By Retired breeder, 1st January 2016 15:35:59
my old account got completely hacked so I had 2 shut it down but now I have this won yayayay default smiley :)default smiley :'(default smiley :)just please be careful out there guys!
By Retired breeder, 1st January 2016 20:53:49
No one HACKS a howrse game.

Just admit you either were a noodle and give out your password or your password was as easy to guess as irish weather.
By Retired breeder, 1st January 2016 22:01:01
Retired breeder wrote:

No one HACKS a howrse game.

Just admit you either were a noodle and give out your password or your password was as easy to guess as irish weather.

This just made my day!
By Retired breeder, 1st January 2016 23:16:12
Retired breeder wrote:

No one HACKS a howrse game.

Just admit you either were a noodle and give out your password or your password was as easy to guess as irish weather.

That's quite true

(Especially the Irish weather partdefault smiley xd I have to put up with itdefault smiley :@all the time)

I bet you if you met a hacker in real life he/she would be as quite as mouse and would certainly not do what they done onlinedefault smiley (o)
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