we seem to be getting a fair amount of scam reports through at the moment

please remember the rules of not doing trades outside the official routes is there to protect YOU

Admin and us as mods cannot get things back to you and by agreeing to trades such as i'll give you x item and y horse for your horse called z it puts both players in the wrong. the scammer for doing the scamming, the scammed player for going into the trade

Unfortunately in this world not everyone is honest and we do not like seeing these things happen

so to summarise
horse trades... don't do them
item trades.... use the item exchanges

don't trade horses for anything other than passes and equus.
this is for your own protection, while we do sypathise things happen if things are done how you are advised to scamming won't happen.

if someone offers you a trade please remind them that it's not allowed or send through as a pm report for us to deal with
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By Retired breeder, 23rd October 2015 10:02:37
AppleOfTheEye wrote:

But there are much less players, and it should even out. In the good days, pass horses only cost 103000e over here...

Or 100, 000e as the minimum.
By Retired breeder, 29th October 2015 11:18:33
yeah whatever
Retired breeder wrote:

yeah whatever
To me that's quite rude...

My opinion on all this is that It's a shame that people do these things - don't they have anything else better to do then scam people? Does it make them feel happy scamming other users? default smiley :k
  • Posted messages: 1,444
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Retired breeder wrote:

yeah whatever
Maybe i didn't understand what you were talking about? But if you were commenting about the topic that's not very nice. Maybe i'm wrong?
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By Retired breeder, 30th October 2015 22:33:21
Retired breeder wrote:

yeah whatever

Say that to your future boss... (;
By Retired breeder, 1st November 2015 23:52:41
I do it with my mum on int but that's fine cause shes in the same room asking face to face.
By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2015 07:08:11
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2015 07:11:14
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2015 07:25:47
Mamba diddn't even write anything bad default smiley :) and anyway let's just all stop argueing default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2015 08:05:39
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2015 08:15:56
They have no need to apologise, nothing wrong was said.
[quote=1504240530][author]<em>Retired breeder</em>[/author]This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.[/quote:0] Try replacing your words more politely . That is quite offensive to some players. default smiley :o (Yet again, not trying to mini mod x)
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By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2015 18:21:59
ok fine but it made me angry
By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2015 18:24:56
Retired breeder wrote:

ok fine but it made me angry

if it made you angry you could just have click ed the frowny face on mambas message, that would report the post so a mod would deal with it
By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2015 20:04:16
can some people not make people sad?
Retired breeder wrote:

ok fine but it made me angry
Just to add to this whole mess up
Cadence11 said some offensive things, and other players agreed and responded back. So then Cadence got mad. I just want to let you know Cadence , that no good players on howrse want to be rude. We are trying to clarify things and show you what's right or wrong on Howrse (as you seem to be a beginner). I'm trying my best not to mini mod and not tell you what to do (being bossy basically) but simply trying to help you and correct you. I just find your messages that you posted , quite offensive. Now this is going quite off topic. I shared my opinion on this topic and now we are here - i just wanted to kind of clear it all a bit up ... Sorry if this sounds bossy or mini moding a bit but i just think some people can agree here default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2015 21:53:06
I wasn't even on.. Good thing i missed it eh lads?
By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2015 22:37:54
'My tears may be the cause of someone else s laughter, but my laughter will never be the cause of someone else s tears'.
Wise words for the community.
On a lighter note, scams seem to going down here, on INT its higher. Alot of people trying to argue its alright, I got a quote from Admin -
By Cailow, 31st October 2015 16:42:07 1
Giving any passes or black market items in giveaways as indicated here is considered pass trafficking and not allowed. You can only trade items and horses through the approved provided tools we have in the game.
By Retired breeder, 12th November 2015 22:00:41
I was scammed when I was new to the game and i got really upset default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2015 12:27:58
Retired breeder wrote:

I was scammed when I was new to the game and i got really upset default smiley :@

Things happen if you dont follow the game procedures set in place, which are there to protect you from scammers.
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2015 15:41:24
Can u ask thr makers to make a horse trading system it would make it so much esier then people losing stuff or every week u could send a massage to people say not to do trading btw not trying to be rude i was just saying iders
By Retired breeder, 15th November 2015 19:25:22
Well, a PM was sent out to every player a while ago to reaffirm this rule. A PM every week would just be unnecessary for a few reasons. One being that this rule should really be common sense. There is no way of trading horses for horses or BMIs for horses without the risk of being scammed, so considering that you can't always trust the people you meet online, why even consider risking it? Another reason is the fact that this topic is constantly here so you will be constantly reminded anyway if you're a regular forum user, which most of the players are.

As for suggestions, i don't think there's a way to offer suggestions to the Howrse team, even through Contact Us, but many of us have mentioned it in this topic before and whether the team will take these commwbts into account and make an official route for horse trading, well, only time will tell.
By Retired breeder, 16th November 2015 13:56:00
Retired breeder wrote:

yeah whatever

what?default smiley :@default smiley (8)
I had my account stolen before as someone managed to figure out my password, but thanks to the amazingly awesome team I got my account back, but never ever do private trades or give out passwords. I also lost some very valuable horses during the time my account was stolen so just be careful.
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I don't trade anymore although I did ugh just no
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