[UPDATE] Ask your questions to the Howrse team!


Despite our two first batches of answers, a lot of questions remain unanswered. Let's fix this with a new Q&A session!

From 25th March to 1st April, we invite you to ask your Howrse-related questions in the #game-dev-qa channel in Discord!
When joining the Discord server, you’ll need to click on the horse emoji to access all of the channels.

During this period of time, you will be able to ask and vote for your favorite question(s). The 20 most popular questions will be sent to our team, who will answer them!

▶️ In case of equality between several questions, the questions will be selected according to their chronological order of publication.
▶️ The Howrse team reserves the right not to answer a question, even if it is among the most voted by the community.

How can I ask my questions?

If your question hasn’t been asked or already answered by the game dev team, you can submit your question by writing it in the #game-dev-qa channel;
You can ask as many questions as you want, but only write one question per message.

Please know that the team will not be able to answer questions asked in the forums, unless they have been re-posted by someone in the Discord server. If you do not wish to join the Discord server, you may use this topic to present your questions and request Discord users to forward them onto the dedicated channel.

Before you post your question:

✅ Make sure your question has not been already asked.
✅ Make sure your message only includes one question. If you want to ask another one, write another message.
Your question(s) must be about the game: features, events, team, etc.
Your question(s) and phrasing must be respectful and comply with the Discord server rules.

What is not allowed?

No chit-chat will be allowed in the game-dev-qa channel. You can talk about the Q&A session in this topic or in the #game-dev-discussion Discord channel.
Off-topic questions will be moderated. This place is meant for you to ask your questions to our game dev team, messages about sanctions, or support tickets are not allowed.
Links and pictures are not permitted.

How can I vote for my favorite questions?

✅ If the :OwThumbup: emoji has not been added yet under your favorite question(s), add it to vote for it.
✅ Make sure to use the right emoji: other emojis will not be counted for the final vote.


When will we get the answers?
Our game dev team is very busy working on different features of the game. However, we will do our very best to provide you with the answers within the next two months.

How can I make sure that my question is not off-topic?
As long as your question is related to the game itself, and not about a sanction, it will not be off-topic. You can discuss your question with other players here or in the #game-dev-discussion discord channel. If your message is moderated, our team will do its best to provide you the reason why.

Who will answer our questions?
Depending on the question, you will get an answer from the members of our Game Design, Art, Producing, Programming, Customer Support, or Communication team.

My question was very popular, but not answered by the team. Why?
The team reserves the right not to answer certain questions, even if they are very popular. The Ubisoft policy, or even the secrets around the game unfortunately do not allow us to answer all your questions.

To sum up


March 25–April 1st, 10 AM (Paris time) → Ask your questions.
April 1st-April 3rd, 10 AM (Paris time) → Vote for your favorite questions using the :OwThumbup: emoji.


� Ask your question in the game-dev-qa channel in Discord! Don't forget: One message = one question. Ask as many questions as you want!
� Discuss the different questions asked or the format of this new Q&A session in the game-dev-discussion discord channel or right here in this topic.

We look forward to hearing all of your game questions!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 509
  • Karma: 10 points
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  • 1


The Q&A session is now open on Discord!

Head to the #game-dev-qa channel to ask your questions to the Howrse Team!
Don’t forget to click on the horse emoji in server-rules to access all of the channels.

We’ll see you there!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 509
  • Karma: 10 points
The Devs' Q&A Answers have arrived! You may use this topic to discuss the answers given by the Devs' in the latest Q&A session.
  • Posted messages: 509
  • Karma: 10 points
  • Page:
  • 1