[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

You can post screen shots as long as you also use the spoiler banner to cover them.

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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Re-posting EchOw's comment below as a gentle reminder. default smiley (y)
EchOw wrote:

HellOw everyone! Please remember that the spoiler banner is required when discussing new and unreleased features.

If you're unsure how to use the spoiler banner, you can use it by tapping on the eye button in the formatting bar or by manually typing: [spoiler][/spoiler]
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The next event

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Sky Piñatas

Did you know that there are about 10,000 species of birds described worldwide? Discover some of them by playing the new edition of the Piñata contest with the all-new theme.

Log in every day to break the new Piñatas and win rewards!

� How to play?

Click on a piñata with the hammer until it breaks, and collect your gifts!

➡ ➡
You can open a piñata:

By clicking on it;

Thanks to the help of your friend (5 points of damage per click from a friend);
By achieving goals.

You can have +5 damage points per click by buying the premium key.

Break piñata #10 to win the jackpot.

� How to get clicks?

Each click will grant you a point on the piñata's gauge. Each of the ten piñatas has a growing number of points to reach. They are broken once the points gauge is reached.

When you break a piñata:

You have to claim your gifts to win the associated gifts (divine fragments & items);

Once it is done, you can move on to the next piñata.

The number of available clicks is limited and refills progressively with time.

To gain more clicks, you can:

Wait for them to refill. Thanks to some bonuses, this waiting time can be reduced;

Buy them with Passes;

Ask your friends for help using Equus (you can also offer them your help in return).

Premium Key & Winds starry aura

Get the Premium key to unlock more gifts for each piñata you break! You also get 5 more damage per hit on the piñata.

Exclusive premium reward:
Winds starry aura
The Starry aura offers the possibility to transform a normal horse that you love into a unique one.

The horse gets a special ability and its appearance is preserved.

Your horse becomes a star horse that becomes immortal and receives a Professional Trainer .

The horse can’t be sold anymore and can’t (be) cover(ed).

The horse gains the ability to grant you divine fragments from a specific series. You can receive fragments from Eurus, Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus, Caicias, Lips, Apeliotes, Skeiron, Euronotus, Iapyx, Libonotus, and Thracius.

To win divine fragments thanks to this horse, you have to Win competitions for 5 days with this horse (not necessarily consecutive).


Phoenix Piñata companion

This companion belongs to the Sky Piñatas family.

It wakes up during your horse's first action of the day and falls asleep when the latter ages. When awake, this companion awards a bonus to your horse: Stamina: +14.

A new divine horse in the Tyche’s Crown: Chimera horse, Parrot

Gift: Once tamed, 10 passes for each horse age until 80.

Fragments of the Chimera horse Parrot can be found in the Daily Objectives during the contest time.
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New promo

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Civilizations' cards

The Cards return! This time the event will be all about civilizations. Collect and scratch cards to win gifts.

A few changes have been implemented in this new edition:
� The cards from the "Incas" puzzle are all-new.
� The new divine horse can now be won through the Tyche's Crown.
� It is no longer possible to buy Joker cards directly.
� There are now 5 puzzles to complete.
� The HUB in the mobile version has been improved.

How to play?

Your goal is to scratch and activate cards.

You can find 3 types of cards:

Gift cards that will grant you a prize immediately.

Puzzle cards that will grant you a prize once you complete a puzzle.

Joker cards, which will help you get the card of your choice amongst those from the same level.

Complete the 5 puzzles to win a divine horse!

If you get a duplicate card, you can exchange it for a new one of the same rarity level.

How to get cards

There are several ways to get cards. You can obtain them by:

connecting to the game every day (2 cards per day), with a loyalty bonus if you log in 5 days in a row (one Gold or Diamond card)

taking your horse on a ride: up to 1 card per day

winning competitions: up to 1 card per day

purchasing them in the Flash sales

spending Equus to trade your duplicate cards (once a day)

buying them with passes directly

Each time you buy a card in the flash sales, you will get some points. Once you collect enough of these points, you will unlock a private sale for a Joker card.


Complete all five puzzles to win:
Morrigan — one of the Celtic horses.

With this horse, you can search for 5 Oghamic letters to complete the predictions. Once it is done, you will either get:

➡ 1 x Medusa's Blood
➡ 10,000 Equus
➡ 1 x Bell boots

Collect fragments to win:
Jack and the beanstalk — one of the Fairy Tale Horses.

Throughout the contest, you can find fragments of the new divine horse in Tyche's Crowns, but also when you activate certain cards and achieve your daily objectives.

Thanks to this horse, you can get a prize among:
➡ 25 Pass seeds
➡ 15 Pass seeds
➡ 50 Manure
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By Retired breeder, 13th April 2023 14:16:48
Do you know what divines are being offered this week?
Retired breeder wrote:

Do you know what divines are being offered this week?

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Athos and Greyfell
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Next promo

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The Great Challenge

The Great Challenge is back and this time will be followed by a giant Seed Battle.

� How do I play?

As usual, this contest takes place in two parts:

� The Great Challenge phase: Collect horseshoes by completing in-game objectives.

� The Festivities (Battle): Collect seed UFOs and trade them for prizes or climb up in rankings.

� The Great Challenge

Every day, you will have a choice of nine different objectives that you can complete repeatedly throughout the day. Complete them to earn horseshoes and unlock gifts and bonuses, such as game items, special offers, fragments, bonuses for the upcoming Battle, and more.

You can collect up to 100 horseshoes a day, or even 120 if you have purchased the Premium Key (200 and 240 on preprod).

� Premium Key

Purchase the Premium Key with passes to access additional marvelous rewards:

� Extra gifts
� More fragments for the special horse in the Tyche's Crown
� Another Jackpot during the Great Challenge phase

Apart from that, the Premium Key allows you to collect up to 120 horseshoes every day (240 on preprod), and as a result, you can:

� Make up for lost time if you missed a day!
� Get gifts and jackpots sooner.

You can buy your Premium Key whenever you want during the Challenge phase.

The gifts unlocked during the Great Challenge part but not claimed at the end of the phase are automatically given when the Festivities begin.

Jackpots in the Great Challenge!

Finish the Free gift gauge in the Great Challenge to win the special item: Eros egg.

Thanks to this item, you get an extra covering for your divine horse.

It applies to Falabellas, Falacorns, Zebras and Jennies. Only when the covering limit is reached.

Complete the event with the Premium key to win the special horse: Zebra, one of the Zonkeymily horses, with the new markings.

The horse comes in a wide variety of colors. Zebra can breed once with a Jenny to give birth to a Zonkey.

This horse can be sold!

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Festivities: Battle

The Festivities will take place around the Seeds Battle! �

During the Festivities, you can catch UFOs. Each day is divided into three sessions, and the number of UFOs you will encounter will be determined by the number of horseshoes you collected during the Great Challenge phase.

UFOs provide different gifts. Once you catch a UFO, you have to make a choice. Then, you have three options:

� Keep the gift for yourself and lose some points for the general ranking.
� Send the gift back to a random player and win points.
� Spend Equus to replace the UFO with another one, which can be better or worse. Note that the price increases each time you use this option but is reset at the beginning of the next session.

You can wait with making the decision, but in that case, you will not see any new UFO until you have made a choice.

When you choose to keep or send back your gift, you can use bonus items that give you some bonus points in addition to the points from the UFO. You can obtain these bonus items by:

� Winning competitions with your horses
� Receiving help from your friends
� Participating in the Great Challenge

You can use several bonuses with the same UFO, but the number of bonus points given by each bonus item is lower.

Acquiring these points allows you to move up the leaderboard, and you can win cumulative prizes.
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Prizes and more

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Important change

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The change log is still in French, but google translate did its best.

"In order to harmonize the functioning of the trophies, we are changing the functioning and the name of the trophy entitled "Flot per horse". Here are the changes applied:

Changed trophy name -> " Champion Breeder "
Changed the description of the trophy -> " Be the breeder of a horse having won X streams "
Change of trophy category: Competitions -> Breeding
You must therefore be the breeder of the horse that won the rosettes to progress in this trophy. The rosettes won by horses in the breeding of another player but of which you are the breeder count for your trophy. Conversely, ribbons won by horses on your farm but not born there will count for the trophy of the player who bred them. The modification is also retroactive: the horses you bred and then sold will earn you points in this trophy.

It should be noted that the gauges of the trophy will be modified accordingly. If you gain milestones with this modification, you will receive points/gifts as normal. If you end up with a lower trophy tier than you had before, we won't reduce your gift gauge."
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Wingman wrote:

Prizes and more

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Do we know what the prizes are for the seed battle?
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@ Daddycool

No that has not been revealed.....yet.
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Wingman wrote:

@ Daddycool

No that has not been revealed.....yet.

OK thanks, keep us posted default smiley ;)default smiley (y)
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Daddycool wrote:

OK thanks, keep us posted

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The Jenny is first--1st to 5th
Zebra is next at 1st to 10th
Eros egg at 1st to 20th.
That seems to be as far as it goes with no other prizes listed.
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Wingman wrote:

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The Jenny is first--1st to 5th
Zebra is next at 1st to 10th
Eros egg at 1st to 20th.
That seems to be as far as it goes with no other prizes listed.

Shame, never mind... Thanks for posting
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Correction..the rest has now shown up

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Crown ..21st to 100
Phanes egg 101 to 200
Fertility wand 201 to 300
Unlimited H Ray 301 to 500
Medusa blood 501 to 2000
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UFO prizes:

The rest of the ranking prizes:
  • Posted messages: 16
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Wingman wrote:

Correction..the rest has now shown up
Jigokun wrote:


Thank you both...default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2023 16:51:22
what divines are on offer for the this weekend
Retired breeder wrote:

what divines are on offer for the this weekend

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Shamisen and Gemini
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I don't know if it's been brought up, but the trophy change has been postponed. Looks like Howrse actually listened to the hoards of angry players this round, so that's nice for once.
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ShadowKokufu wrote:

I don't know if it's been brought up, but the trophy change has been postponed. Looks like Howrse actually listened to the hoards of angry players this round, so that's nice for once.

This is what your testers were able to do.

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Wingman wrote:

This is what your testers were able to do.
No. It's not just testers. There are just as many or probably more players reading the spoiler forum. A lot of them sent in their own tickets to contact us. And players hinted at it in the devs update corner too to maybe draw even more attention to it.

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And no, I'm not going to say it was the testers. Have you noticed that it has almost been cash grab after cash grab every weekend? Now Howrse wants money so badly that they introduced new packs. I think they simply backed themselves into a corner by not listening to us in the first place. Now they're tight on money and it looks like the players enlightened them about how this change will tank the game entirely. I think the only reason Howrse is "listening" to the players is because they finally acknowledged that they're sinking their game with their repeated updates that nobody wants because they're just not making enough cash off it anymore.

I mean, why else would they have sent out a survey a while back? I'm guessing it was just protocol to do in attempt to stop the game from sinking. I mean, since when have they ever cared about our feedback in the first place?? This is Howrse. The only thing that I imagine will make them suddenly "value" their players after ignoring us for years is likely money issues. And who didn't see that coming?

That said, I'm an INT player so practically everything that I'm saying is based off INT and speculation.

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They're adding a "mark as read" button for PMs. I reminded them about adding an option to block all the nonesense promotional junk mail for social media and whatnot, but it probably won't get added any time soon so don't get your hopes up about that.
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Newest promo

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Rider's Store

Did you miss the possibility of running your rider's tack store? You will have a chance again as the Rider's Store event returns!

How to play

Collect equestrian gear to dress the riders who come to your store!

Every day, riders will visit your store and order equestrian merchandise. They can ask from 1 to 3 items to complete their outfit. Fill out their orders as accurately as possible to earn more coins.

Please note: If you don't provide riders with the exact item or items they want, you will still earn coins, but fewer. The number of coins you can win depends on the number and type of items the customer requested.

There are a total of 8 levels. As you serve more customers, your store will level up, unlocking new outfits and allowing for more daily customers. The number of daily customers increases as you level up your store.

If you don't want to wait for new customers, you can advertise your shop using passes. By using 90 passes, you can instantly attract 3 new customers to dress.

How to get items

on login (5 per day)

thanks to your loyalty (3 if you logged in 5 days straight)

by carrying out missions with your horses (3 per day)

by registering your horses for competitions (6 x per day)

by making them with your inventory items

with passes

The Gift Shop

For helping your customers, you will get coins that you can exchange in the Gift Shop. You're free to choose whatever items you want. However, please note that the cost doubles if you purchase the same item more than once.


Mme Hudson coat
Win the coat by dressing 100 riders!

Irene Adler
Get her through the Tyche's Crown!
Perk is
1 x Vintage apple
Another surprise
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Prize list

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