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New changes

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Changelog -
New Trophies and Collections

The changelog will still be in French when the preprod starts, the translation should arrive by the end of the week.

The trophy and collections system is entirely reworked.

It was unfair to players and unlike many other games, trophies could be won and then lost if you did not have the required horses anymore. We wanted to change this system by reworking the trophy system, making it more rewarding, and adding a collections system.

� Trophies

You will now obtain trophies by completing specific objectives. Obtained trophies remain forever.

There are 4 rarities for the trophies:





Each trophy gained will grant some points that fill a reward gauge. When the gauge is filled the player obtains a gift and the gauge is reset.

The gifts can be precious black market items (such as Horn of Plenty, Philosopher's Stone…), but also divine horses (Tarman, Kaktos, even a Xanthos), depending on the progression.

On the new Trophy page, players have access to the following information:
• Number of trophies by rarity
• Last trophies obtained
• Next trophies
• Progression of the reward gauge
• Number of points granted by each rarity of trophies
• List of all trophies available
• Listed by categories (customization, breeding, community…)

What happens to previous trophies?

Most trophies have been transferred to the new system, for example, Competition, Seniority, or Equestrian Center. You can validate them now to get all the related gifts!

Some trophies have been moved to the Collections page (horse breeds, special horses, etc.). You'll find more details below.

The Customization trophies have been reset, and you will have to start from zero. You will have to add the item (golden apple, companion, etc...) to a horse again. Items already applied do not count for the customized horses you already own, and those trophies have not been transferred.

New Trophies

New trophies have been added to the existing ones, mainly in the Divine Category where you have to play with them (not only own them).
• Zonkey
• Musketeers
• Metals
• Grail
• Dragons
• Fairy Tales

We will also progressively introduce trophies related to the events.

So far there are:
• Great Challenge: Collect horseshoes
• Lottery: Collect clovers

⭐ Collections

The old collection page was reworked and revamped as well. The system now tracks all elements that can be collected in the game.

• Horse breeds
• Horse's basic coats
• Vintage coats
• Special coats
• Companions
• Special horses
• Backgrounds from Ow's Helios Ray
• Cards of cards events

You will be able to easily see which elements you have already collected and which are missing.

• From missing elements, you can access the direct horses' sales or the product page of this element
• From obtained elements, you can access your breeding farm (the first horse with this element is displayed)

You can see your progression:
• Globally
• By Categories
• By Subcategories

The old collections displayed on the "My other collections" page will not be displayed anymore.

Unlike for Trophies, you will lose your progress in a collection if you don't own a needed horse anymore.

✨ Golden Horseshoes and the Lottery

The Golden horseshoes have been removed from the game and replaced with trophies related to the events.

Now, the condition to enter the end-of-contest Lottery is to have the tutorial finished.
  • Posted messages: 1,775
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Oh my goodness, really not happy we will loose our coat and companion trophies, I’ve spent so much over the time default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 192
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New look

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Maybe they will let us put pets back in our inventory to be used again default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 192
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Wingman wrote:

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Changelog -
New Trophies and Collections

It was unfair to players and unlike many other games, trophies could be won and then lost if you did not have the required horses anymore. We wanted to change this system by reworking the trophy system, making it more rewarding, and adding a collections system.

The Customization trophies have been reset, and you will have to start from zero. You will have to add the item (golden apple, companion, etc...) to a horse again. Items already applied do not count for the customized horses you already own, and those trophies have not been transferred.

Who thought this was a good idea?
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Losing a trophy when you no longer have the required horse is unfair but reseting a bunch of them to 0 is OK? Some of these took years and loads of money to complete, a horn of plenty won't make up for that!
  • Posted messages: 51
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I'm sorry but WHAT?? This is ridiculous
  • Posted messages: 71
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Bottom part of the page

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Thanks! I hate it.

What a visual downgrade from what we currently have, did their graphic designer quit? default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 2,651
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literally no one voted for this..
  • Posted messages: 36
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"participate in 200,000 competitions"??default smiley xddefault smiley xd "have 5,000 days of seniority"? that means you have to log in every day for almost 14 YEARS? default smiley xd
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Adding more info

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What a downgrade in so many ways... If they actually go through with resetting companion and coat trophies then there's going to be so much backlash.
People have spent thousands of passes and equus on those trophies.. and all of a sudden they just don't matter????

It also visually looks childish, I know it's a children's game (allegedly) but... is that really the best you could do? First the divine designs go downhill (such as the design that had to be revised because it looked like the divine had a NSFW appendage) and now the trophies get a new tacky design... It's almost like they want to shut down the website lol
  • Posted messages: 698
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Wait - does this also mean SoA coats etc will also be ignored with this new system?

Why would they not carry over the customisations to their new system that literally nobody asked for??
  • Posted messages: 642
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can't say am surprised at such awful changes they never seem to understand what the players actually want but go against everything we say or give are opinions on.

Considering its a game that asks us as its consumers for feedback but then never bothers to actually taking it on board is something i have become sick seeing, WE WELCOME ANY FEEDBACK, but do you really take it on or even read it....

I have seen some good changes like the team stuff but it's like for every good thing you give us you take so much more, i spent so much money on this game like others getting pets and having the custom coats now it looks like it will made redundant....

I would like to know how you are going to reimburse all those who have the trophy, spent a small fortune getting them and now it means squat i mean why bother to be honest at all who makes these changes cause i know i didn't vote for this and everyone else's response says the same thing....

default smiley (n) not happy with the changes not that writing anything here will change anything as I doubt they will read the feedback and do what they want anyway
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I do not want to lose companion progress (or Helios Rays as I guess those will go too default smiley :(). And I have not even spent passes etc. on it so I feel so bad for everyone who has spent years on their trophies. And I like the old design where I can see everyone's trophies on their pages because it is just a really nice thing to be able to see. This is not fair!
Indigo 03
  • Posted messages: 143
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Apophis wrote:

I would like to know how you are going to reimburse all those who have the trophy,

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You will win prizes when trophies are accomplished. Also you will get immediately prizes for trophies already won. If you look at my first post showing in trophy page you will see a "reward ( partially cut off) with a "get" at the other end.
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  • Posted messages: 1,775
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I still cannot understand the necessity for this. Surely no one wants this so why?
  • Posted messages: 71
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I like the idea of getting rewards for achieving trophies and collections, so as long as what we already have counts, and we don’t have to get items again or we don’t loose any then I’m ok with it. But I don’t want to loose what I have already.
  • Posted messages: 192
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New information

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1️⃣Players do not need to apply customization items to horses for them to count in the Collections. Owning a horse carrying the item is enough. For example, buying a horse with the Water element will validate this specific special in the collection. The progression in the collections will not be reset during the update. All horses in a player’s breeding farm will count for the collections.

2️⃣There will be no Retired Golden Apple trophy. However, the item will be fully present in the Collections, as described yesterday.

3️⃣The trophies will still count for the Global Ranking. As of now, the Collections will not be taken into account for the Global Ranking.
  • Posted messages: 1,775
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The new page

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  • Posted messages: 1,775
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hi wingman, do you get rewards for comp,eating collections too, or just trophys?
  • Posted messages: 192
  • Karma: 10 points
Mrs.D wrote:

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hi wingman, do you get rewards for comp,eating collections too, or just trophys?

This is what you can get.

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  • Posted messages: 1,775
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So, let me get this right... you no longer have to keep the horses to maintain the trophy for a given collection??? Is that correct???

If that is the case then surely you will just get people clubbing together to get one of every required collectable, then selling them around their group/team so that everyone has the trophy...???

The horses then become valueless...default smiley :s
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