[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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I just want to add, I joined the discord server and have seen multiple times that the larger servers (and I believe this includes us) are keeping the in-game forums alongside the discord server. It is the smaller non-english speaking servers that have had/going to have their forums removed and placed on discord instead.

I personally like and dislike the move to discord. It is clearly not ready for the masses and shouldn't have been opened yet. It's impossible to moderate at this time and as I write this, there are 3 moderators active and over 350 online members - crazy, that is over 100 people per mod. By opening a discord, you are also opening the chance of unmonitored direct messages which can be dangerous for children and adults alike, definitely since you do not have to link your game at all. you DO NOT need a howrse account to join and I know that the server link are in public sites such as Reddit etc. I do hope that children know not to talk to strangers but who can promise that, who can moderate that? There has already been underaged individuals mentioning their age, name and where they live. Not good. default smiley :s

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Well all this fuss is over nothing.

Dittow posted on the Int server

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Hey everyone! I have read your comments and wish to clarify the situation regarding the new Discord and hopefully reassure you regarding a few points.
Firstly, there will be no changes to the English servers, nor any plans to do so at this time. While we understand the logic that all forums will disappear on all servers, this is NOT the case for the English servers. Should there be a change in the future, players will be updated accordingly.

Secondly, private messages (PMs) are not leaving the site for the other language servers. This means players can still communicate with each other via Howrse and receive announcements.

Concerning underaged players and discord: The discord link will not be readily available for them on Howrse. However, these players will not be lost without the discord, as they will still have access to Contact US and the Help Center. Again, all announcements will still be made via PM (in the language of that server).

Lastly, Moderators and admins will be removing content on the official Discord that is not suited for Howrse. The Dev Team is also looking into more solutions to help moderators fight against cheating/inappropriate content. If you have an account on another language server, should you have any concerns over something you see on the official Discord, please Contact Us from your other language account.

I hope this reassures most of you. Should you have any other concerns, please Contact Us. We will be more than happy to further clarify and/or receive feedback.
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Wingman wrote:

Dittow posted on the Int server

Glad to hear

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though it is still a great shame for other servers. Especially considering the Discord rules include that all communication must be in English only. Unsure why that is seen as sensible if the Discord is the only public form of communication for the servers with different native languages. Also regarding players who do not meet the Discord age requirement (which is as high as 16 years in some countries), the help centres are far from effective at the moment, and will likely become even worse due to this change. Forums are so much more functional, particularly if a discussion is required to answer the question. And Contact Us... it's often hit or miss, not to mention painfully slow the majority of the time. I think feeling disappointed on behalf of the affected servers is still appropriate.
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LookingForAlaska wrote:

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though it is still a great shame for other servers. Especially considering the Discord rules include that all communication must be in English only. Unsure why that is seen as sensible if the Discord is the only public form of communication for the servers with different native languages. ... I think feeling disappointed on behalf of the affected servers is still appropriate.

I agree. As I understand it, a player can be 'muted' if they post even a sentence in a language other than English on Discord. How can that work for the servers that aren't in English? Many people throughout the world, particularly northern Europe, speak English extremely well but why should they be forced to in order to play a game? It all feels wrong.
Kitty Poker
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I don't know what rules you're talking about, but I'm pretty sure you can have a Discord channel and not speak English. Our uni group has one and it functions just fine. Unless I misunderstood the problem?
  • Posted messages: 103
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Vikipiki125 wrote:

I don't know what rules you're talking about, but I'm pretty sure you can have a Discord channel and not speak English. Our uni group has one and it functions just fine. Unless I misunderstood the problem?

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What has happened is Howrse is getting rid of the forums on the small non English servers and instead setting up a Discord channel for them to converse. However all posts must be in English.
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I realised I forgot to update this server and came to find it already updated.

Someone on Int pointed out that
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The admins on the other servers may not speak the native languages there which could be why they are forcing the language change on non English servers. Horrible, yes. But maybe it's also the only way to track what's being said without Google translate. But horrible nonetheless.

Then someone else said that there's no admins on the small server that they play on. (I'm not on that server so I can't confirm this.) So maybe howrse is "reusing" admins to monitor the small servers but the admins are all English. That would explain the change, but it doesn't make the change any nicer to take when the players don't speak English in the first place. Google translate is really not good if you want to use it to chat..

I'm just happy that we get to keep our forums. Not happy that it's still being forced on other servers, but happy that it's not being forced here.
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hi does anyone know when the next divine/ wild will be available in the reserved sales and which one it will be?
  • Posted messages: 36
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what about fairness for all . Everyone is entitled to same regardless of where you live or am I missing something this is the 21st centurydefault smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 38
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Anyone seen the Christmas Packs yet? If so, any pics?

Asking for a friend, obviously. default smiley 8-)
  • Posted messages: 693
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Details on Christmas pack divine, posted here as its currently a few days before release:

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The Fairytale series: we only know of the first divine of the series as of yet.

Snow Queen:

From her special page description:
“Snow Queen is one of the Fairy Tale Horses.

Find the 4 plot elements by reading a story every day.
Once the plot is complete, you get a prize among:

1 x Golden Fleece
3 x Aging point
5,000 argent
This mare cannot be sold.

You can increase her skills by using your Passes.”

Currently we don’t know exactly how the mechanics work for this series, whether it’s similar to the Celtics, Japanese, etc. I’m just hoping it doesn’t involve long animations like the dragons. default smiley xd

Additionally, unrelated to Christmas packs:
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New chimera default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 11,058
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Can't believe how generous Howrse have been this year with their presents. A unicorn, a Hestia's gift and THREE months of VIP.

Bravo Howrse admin team.
  • Posted messages: 693
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For tomorrow's event
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The mazes!

I've copied the images from Nalu93 on the International server - these should get all the fragments and diamond prizes for free if you start the event as soon as it opens (it's time sensitive).

Maze 1

Maze 2

Maze 3

Maze 4

To get past all the obstacles you'll need:
Guard: Answer the question nothing required
Thief: Riding Horse
Glass Ceiling: Pegasus (any species will do, not horned)
Mirror on the wall: Unicorn (or winged unicorn)
Security Laser: Pony or Foal
Box: Draft Horse
Ghost: Christmas Ghost Divine, Ghost Horse (Bewitched Pumpkin), Ghost Companion
Mummy: Egyptian Divine, Mummy Horse (Book of Monsters)

Again all credit goes to the lovely Nalu93default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 6th January 2022 07:16:01
Where are the new coatsdefault smiley :o
Thank you, howrse2902. default smiley (y)default smiley :d
Kitty Poker
  • Posted messages: 185
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Retired breeder wrote:

Where are the new coatsdefault smiley :o

If you mean the golden apple coats, they are for voting in the creation space now. New ones are published on the 26th.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd January 2022 14:38:51
what are the chances of winning a weta in the horns of plenty default smiley (8)
Retired breeder wrote:

what are the chances of winning a weta in the horns of plenty default smiley (8)

Got one after 3 tries, some people have got them first try default smiley ^) seem to have higher drop rates than TCs/GFs
  • Posted messages: 898
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does anyone know how many fragments on average you get per fleece to get onyx?
  • Posted messages: 29
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leyapaige wrote:

does anyone know how many fragments on average you get per fleece to get onyx?

I've just opened one to see and got 34 fragments so probably around about that number.
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leyapaige wrote:

does anyone know how many fragments on average you get per fleece to get onyx?

I've just opened one and got 1,020 (first try) so it appears it can drop more than needed as well as the 'usual' lower numbers. If you have the 200 passes to spare, I'd definitely go for that over a TC, which I've had 2 of and no luck so far default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 11th March 2022 21:23:17
HI everyone default smiley ^)
We're getting
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Charming Red
  • Posted messages: 182
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is coming tomorrow.
  • Posted messages: 182
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By Retired breeder, 25th April 2022 17:38:53
Anyone know what the next event is?
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