[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

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On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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Exactly my point palomino! These horses look nothing like one another default smiley (n)
Its like a competition, lets see how many breeds of horses can be forced to look like twins!
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I was one of the first to get a Dartmoor in the U E but I didn't want to breed them because the coat looks so bad!
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Its not that the coat is bad, but come on, I get confused when scrolling through my horses and finding Hanoverians - no wait, I just covered it with a Hano, buts an Irish hunter -_-
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By Retired breeder, 18th July 2015 11:13:55
Woo hoo the shores have markings I am soo happy
By Retired breeder, 18th July 2015 11:14:35
I'm surprised the next promo hasn't started yet

This game sucks
By Retired breeder, 18th July 2015 13:42:37
Retired breeder wrote:

I'm surprised the next promo hasn't started yet

This game sucks

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it'll probably start next monday. patience, friends, patience default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 18th July 2015 14:10:32
Retired breeder wrote:

I'm surprised the next promo hasn't started yet

This game sucks

The next promo has started.
Midas in the sales, employees in the horn of plenty.

Coding new promos takes time everyone!
Don't say horrible things when Howrse is probably doing all they can.
They have to translate the promo into loads of different languages as well default smiley ;)

I have to say I am disappointed with the Dartmoor. I own one and she doesn't look anything like that!
Also some information is incorrect.
I am looking after a Purebred highland pony, he is 15hh,but bigger than 14.2!
It doesn't take that long, the horse designers are professionals and by the look of some of the coats they may have whipped them up in a couple minutes!
It's their job to make new coats and that's what they're paid for- So they should atleast try to make new coats...

But what are we thinking? This is Howrse, why would they pay their designers to make new coats? More profit for them if they don't pay the designers to make new coats, I mean seriously it's not like Ubisoft are short of money..

When I asked about the coat and the colours of Dartmoors they replied with:
''While we strive to be realistic, we also strive for a bit of fantasy and fun''
So Howrse your idea of fantasy is making a Mongolian horse look like a French trotter? Are actually being serious.... Mongolian horses look nothing like a french trotter, You'd be better off using a Fjord coat than a FT coat...

They'll be making a new Lippi coat look like this fella next....

#yolo default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 18th July 2015 15:48:26
Retired breeder wrote:

Coding new promos takes time everyone!
Don't say horrible things when Howrse is probably doing all they can.
They have to translate the promo into loads of different languages as well default smiley ;)
Thanks Jaws 2, I agree. Seriously guys, Howrse isn't a machine (ok ok i know TECHNICALLY it is but you know what i mean. Things cant be done within the blink of a eye.
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It'll probably start in a few days.default smiley ;)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 18th July 2015 15:54:05
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know when the next promo will actually start?
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Probably 20th sorry if it's already been answered missed a few pages!default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 18th July 2015 16:19:54
Yeah, my question got answered a few pages back, peazul. Thanks anyway! default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 19th July 2015 10:12:57
Does anyone think Isis will ever become available to get again?
By Retired breeder, 19th July 2015 15:02:50
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone think Isis will ever become available to get again?

Click to display
not in the near future no. Very unfortunate
By Retired breeder, 19th July 2015 17:55:46
Retired breeder wrote:

Yeah, my question got answered a few pages back, peazul. Thanks anyway! default smiley ;)
Oops sorry!
By Retired breeder, 19th July 2015 19:18:26
My mystical powers of logic tell me that the next promo will begin on Monday the 20th at approximately 9:00am
default smiley *-)
We all realize that these people have are real and have jobs. But wait, this IS their job. Were not saying awful about them were protesting against the rubbish that they make us pay money for. Howrse never used to be so greedy like this...

I completely agree with Spap. This is wrong. They were paid to make coats, not slap wrong identities to random horses? And also, Spap, the messages are automatic due to the category you put it in, they never read the messages anyway, I should know default smiley :@
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I mean come on! The majority of the people painting and drawing for the black pearl do a better job than them! default smiley :@default smiley (n)
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By Retired breeder, 19th July 2015 21:04:45
Obsid wrote:

We all realize that these people have are real and have jobs. But wait, this IS their job. Were not saying awful about them were protesting against the rubbish that they make us pay money for. Howrse never used to be so greedy like this...

I completely agree with Spap. This is wrong. They were paid to make coats, not slap wrong identities to random horses? And also, Spap, the messages are automatic due to the category you put it in, they never read the messages anyway, I should know default smiley :@
Obsid wrote:

I mean come on! The majority of the people painting and drawing for the black pearl do a better job than them! default smiley :@default smiley (n)

All very true
By Retired breeder, 19th July 2015 21:06:36
Can we come off this topic please? What does everyone think should be a prize in the promos?

I think a lotto jackpot should be 'make a team for free even if you aren't a VIP'
As long as they had a VIP in the team within 20 days of creation that is...

Only a one time prize though, for obvious reasonsdefault smiley ;)
Obsid wrote:

I mean come on! The majority of the people painting and drawing for the black pearl do a better job than them! default smiley :@default smiley (n)

I was going to bring up the point about people making costs for the BP. People are capable of making several coats *per month*! We get a new breed every few months. Some of these don't even have a new coat. And they've been planned for corporate months before hand!! If you cant be bothered to make the coats, hand it over to the amazing artists that populate this game. They'll do a much better job me thinks default smiley (y).
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Yes binbons, I agree default smiley ;) default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 20th July 2015 06:54:37
If you don't like the game why would you pay any money for the stuff they make, I don't get it, I used to be a pass buyers but really all those promos just drain the passes so I stopped
Anyway, this topic was made to talk about future events. Not spoil the rest of the game for everyone. The hint is in the word. This is a game, and if you aren't careful a few rotten apples will get this thread locked until we can learn to be nice. The US Howrse Spoiler Thread was locked for the same reason and in the same way.
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Lotte, I almost never buy passes. On my previous accounts, I bought so many that I feel almost ashamed at it after all this. I'll only ever buy passes to benefit my teams, I would rarely go towards promotions default smiley :)
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the new promo hasn't started yet. who bet's it'll start at 1pm?
  • Posted messages: 1,271
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