[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

You can post screen shots as long as you also use the spoiler banner to cover them.

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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By Retired breeder, 12th July 2015 16:24:38
I like the
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Tormenta legendary horse best
Please don't put random things in quotes, it really gets on peoples nerves default smiley :s
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By Retired breeder, 13th July 2015 07:43:41
Obsid wrote:

Please don't put random things in quotes, it really gets on peoples nerves default smiley :s

It wasn't a random thing. I don't want to spoil the next promo for anyone who doesn't know about it/want to know about it.default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 13th July 2015 11:11:24
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Story, ehm? Here's Altair's story:
Altair(Hikoboshi) was the lover of Vega(Orihime). Altair was a poor cow hoarder while Vega could weave as one could wish for. They fell in love, but they forgot to do their work. The Heaven Emperor punished them for becoming stars, but so far away from each other, they couldn't see each other anymore. Only when it's a bright July 7th, then swallows will form a bridge so they could meet each other one night. But it needs to be BRIGHT one, otherwise they must wait another yeardefault smiley :'(default smiley :'(This story is the legend of the Japanese festival of Tanabata, a kind of Valentine).
Obsid wrote:

Please don't put random things in quotes, it really gets on peoples nerves default smiley :s

It wasn't ''random'', they were talking about the upcoming promotion...
Gets on my nerves when people tell someone not to do something but they're not telling the other people who have done it throughout this topic not to do it default smiley :-x
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Obsid wrote:

Please don't put random things in quotes, it really gets on peoples nerves default smiley :s

...default smiley (n)

They person was stating they like the new set of divines. If they didn't put the name of the divine in a spoiler it would spoil it. So the person is in the right.

Look back a few pages, everyone does it.

default smiley (n)
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By Retired breeder, 13th July 2015 20:30:00
Hey, what's the next promo? Thank youuuuuuu ♥
If people didn't want to see upcoming features and spoilers, why on earth would they go into a 'spoiler' topic. On their own head if they see something they don't want to. Seriously don't understand the use of spoiler banners, totally pointless.
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By Retired breeder, 13th July 2015 22:54:46
@Shinymane1 I only looked at this topic to see how the 4th board of this promotion looks, just to see if it's worth going for. I only wanted to know that spoiler, nothing else. So I was quite happy that most other things are in spoilers and I didn't learn anything I don't want to know.
By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 07:48:05
Retired breeder wrote:

@Shinymane1 I only looked at this topic to see how the 4th board of this promotion looks, just to see if it's worth going for. I only wanted to know that spoiler, nothing else. So I was quite happy that most other things are in spoilers and I didn't learn anything I don't want to know.

I will not spoil for other people who aren't on the fourth board yet:
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it is really cool but complicated. I was an idiot and used the teleporter straight away before I got the keys on that section of the board. Now dancing around the teleporter again. There are lots of gifts on it though, Im going on for them!
Worth it if you want the gifts
By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 07:50:59
Retired breeder wrote:

Hey, what's the next promo? Thank youuuuuuu ♥

The next promo is said to be a returning old one, more details in spoiler and on the previous page default smiley ;)
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it is rumoured that the great challenge will return, but it won't be collecting horse shoes anymore. Instead, each time there will be a legendary horse and you will have to do set objectives each day

lotte123456 posted pictures on the previous page default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 10:42:16
the next promotion ( on int they think )
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The next promotion will probably be the Water Balloon Fight (a UFO throwing event). Given that events like this usually run between 5 to 7 days - and tend to start on Mondays or Tuesdays...

I'd say that we could expect to see the Water Balloon Fight as early as 20th or 21st (as this is also around when testing is coming to an end - and most promotions tend to start either shortly before or just after testing ends).

After this, I'd say we'd probably start the new Great Challenge, though there is a chance that the two would run side by side...I feel the Challenge will happen a bit later on (as there still seems to be a lot of bugs that are being worked out).

info on the returning promo
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Legendary Tack will be gotten in the Golden Fleece, by completing the puzzle during the Great Challenge when we are collecting Horseshoes, and in the Lottery itself (The grand prize for the lottery is all 5 pieces of tack). There will also be the Altair pack which you can purchase - though the price of it is unknown at this time.

It was also stated on preprod that - while each Divine will have its own set of Legendary tack (so you can't put Altair's Saddle on with someone else's bridle)...any tack that you collect will not be removed from your inventory, and that it will remain there - leaving the possibility open that there would be other ways to get the tack in the future.

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"You can ask for help to complete the third objective. It costs 5000 Equus and you can ask for help once a day. In this case your objective will be proposed to the other members of the community. It is another player who will complete your goal. However, even if you have asked for help, you can still choose to complete your own objective.

The first time you help someone during the day, you win a raffle ticket for the Festivities. Afterwards, helping other players helps launch the Festivities sooner."

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None of them are known at this time (we don't even have Altair's proper story as all text shown in the story book right now is the printer's place holding text 'Lorum Ipsum' and not an actual story.

While you might find some of the "real" stories on the Internet (ex. Bucephalus being the horse of Alexander the Great) - there is no guarantee that the Howrse version of the story will be a 100% match (ex. some elements might need to be changed to make the story more friendly for all ages). So for the moment, take any 'real legends' you find with a grain of salt.

Also, with the exception of Altair (and probably Bucephalus) - we don't even know if the names will be the same (as the names being used for them right now are from the URL of the image (and the past has shown us that these names are not always reliable *Points to Brook - whose URL made everyone think his name would be Source*))

on int they got screenshots of
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a Mongolian horse, it looks like a french trotter but they´re unsure if it´s even coming to the game
By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 18:41:08
Sorry to bother everyone, I feel like I've missed something.
What is the Golden Fleece?
^ remember the thing for 2 passes and you had to scratch one for a chance to get winter
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By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 20:54:43
No I think I was on holiday with no wifi when that was on. Sounds cool though. Except from the whole 2passes thing
By Retired breeder, 14th July 2015 20:54:54
^better get saving!
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Any estimates on how much Altair's tack will cost with passes? Am I also correct in thinking that if you put Altair's tack on a horse you get Altair automatically?
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By Retired breeder, 15th July 2015 12:42:02
*Ellie wrote:

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Any estimates on how much Altair's tack will cost with passes? Am I also correct in thinking that if you put Altair's tack on a horse you get Altair automatically?

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How do I get one?

You need to collect the 5 pieces of Legendary tack and give the tack to a Normal horse. Once the horse has all 5 pieces - it will transform into Altair. However - keep the following in mind when choosing a horse:

1. The horse you give a Legendary tack item to will no longer be able to be sold

2. Once you give a horse all 5 pieces - it will 'transform' into Altair - just keep in mind that:

a. The horse will lose any items it has on it - but gain/keep a Philosopher's Stone *all other items are lost and can not be recovered*
b. A stallion with any unnacepted covering offers - will have those coverings cancelled
c. If you are using a Mare who is pregnant - she WILL lose the foal
d. Your horse's skills will double
e. The horse's birthdate will change to the date of transformation
f. The breeder's name will change to your name
g. The affix the horse has will be lost*

All of this is similar to how the transformation of Junior Croesus works (ex. the Junior Croesus is deleted and you are given a Croesus in its place...Except in this case, the skills will reflect that of the horse you transformed - but be doubled...but all other information about the horse will be lost))

about getting the tack
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Legendary Tack will be gotten in the Golden Fleece, by completing the puzzle during the Great Challenge when we are collecting Horseshoes, and in the Lottery itself (The grand prize for the lottery is all 5 pieces of tack). There will also be the Altair pack which you can purchase - though the price of it is unknown at this time.
By Retired breeder, 15th July 2015 21:07:54
Regarding the new GC divines
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I have heard that you can't use them in competitions once the horse is transformed. Is this true? I don't think so but just to check...
By Retired breeder, 16th July 2015 02:46:19
Will the tack be tradable?
Retired breeder wrote:

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I have heard that you can't use them in competitions once the horse is transformed. Is this true? I don't think so but just to check...

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You're able to enter them into competitions exactly like Divines or Wild horses(so one normal competition or as many Divine only competitions as you can). default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 16th July 2015 09:52:19
upcoming promo stuff
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You receive an advantage over the Golden Fleece depending on the number of Irons won during the Grand Challenge.

►5 = 6: 40 horseshoes
►4 = 5: 80
►3 = 4: 115
►2 = 3: 145

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We know nothing about this item - and will probably not know anything until it goes live. It has been stated on Preprod by one of the Admins in response to what it looks like/how much it costs that:

The Altair packs are not part of this test period and this information is not yet available. However, all of the tack that is contained in the pack, can be tested using the Golden Fleece option at this time.

- BOwer

Thus - while we know there is a pack - we do not know how much it will cost, how it is purchased, etc. as they are still working out details of it.

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The Great Challenge returns to us - but with some changes. The following is a copy-paste from the Preprod topic:

The concept of this contest is to collect horseshoes with the whole community to meet the amount that will launch the Festivities. In addition, you will discover the days when certain steps are reached, a new chapter in the story of Altair, as explained on the topic of Legendary Horses.

Collection of horseshoes

The ways to earn horseshoes are reviewed. Now horseshoes are won only through the daily objectives. Competitions no longer offer horseshoes. Do not worry: the amount horseshoes was adjusted to these changes.


There are now 3 daily objectives, rather than 6.

The objectives bring 2 times more horseshoes than before:

►Objective 1: 2 horseshoes
►Objective 2: 4 horseshoes
►Objective 3: 6 horseshoes

You now have the opportunity to complete the objectives from the 2 previous days if you have not done so.

You can validate the 3rd objective of the day with the advertising video if one is available.

Ask for help

You can ask for help to complete the third objective. It costs 5000 Equus and you can ask for help once a day. In this case your objective will be proposed to the other members of the community. It is another player who will complete your goal. However, even if you have asked for help, you can still choose to complete your own objective.

The first time you help someone during the day, you win a raffle ticket for the Festivities. Afterwards, helping other players helps launch the Festivities sooner.

*Note the community objective only appears after doing all 3 of your regular objectives. Also, note that these objectives are from EVERYONE in the community and not just your friends.


A puzzle is added. The puzzle consists of 12 pieces (4 x 3).

►Each time you complete 3 daily objectives, you earn a piece of the puzzle.
►The puzzle pieces are always won in the same order.
►Once puzzle is completed, you still have objectives to complete and they will earn horseshoes and not puzzle pieces.
►You get a gift for each puzzle piece unlocked. Gifts are received during the Festivities launch.

-Advantage for Festivities

You receive an advantage over the Golden Fleece depending on the number of Irons won during the Grand Challenge.

►5 = 6: 40 horseshoes
►4 = 5: 80
►3 = 4: 115
►2 = 3: 145

*This is no different than the original Buy X - get 1 free deal that came with the Titan's Challenge/Horn of Plenty from the original Great Challenge


When the required amount of horseshoes is reached, the Festivities are launched.
The duration of the Festivities is based on the number of days that the community took to reach the goal. So: the faster you collect the horseshoes, longer the Festivities will last.

During the festivities, in the Golden Fleece, you will find pieces of equipment for the Legendary Horse Altair. There are 5 pieces. When you have them all, the horse on which you have chosen to place them will be transformed into Altair.

To learn more about Altair, please visit the topic of Legendary Horses.

►It is not possible to get the Legendary Horse in reserved sales after opening a certain number of Golden Fleece.

►VIP retain the possibility to obtain pieces of equipment in the Golden Fleece during the Grand Challenge if they wish.

►It is no longer possible to give a raffle ticket to a player who has not finished (or abandoned) the tutorial.

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The prize list for the puzzle - you get 1 prize per piece, and they are given out in order from top to bottom (so if you only collect 3 pieces - you'll only get 5x aging points, 1x helios' ray, and the Red and Blue 2** Saddle cloth. If you get all 12 pieces - you'll get all 12 prizes*

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*Please note - this is Ow's Altair. This is NOT a true indication on how your Altair will be - your Altair's information will be the same as whichever horse you choose to transform on your account into him (except the Trained skills of your horse will double)

Here's a before and after shot of a horse I transformed to give you a better understanding:


Giving a piece of tack *note the warning that his current equipment will be lost, and that he will no longer be sell-able*


Note the change in birth date - the fact he can now wear my affix, and that his trained skills have doubled BUT his genetic skills remained the same.

I don't like Altair's tack/specialty/background/coat - can I change it?

Tack = No.
Specialty = Yes, but only if the horse you transformed is still within the age bracket to be changed (3 to 5 years)
Background/Coat = No.

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When a horse becomes a legendary horse, you receive the branch of a star. Each branch can only be obtained once. For example, if you turn 2 horses Altaïr, you will receive only one branch of the star.

When you have collected the 5 branches of the stars (and therefore get the 5 legendary horses), you can activate the star.

Upon activating the star, all horses owned by the player receive the Star of immortal power bonus, which gives them +10 in each skill. The star can only be activated once.

So according to the Star of Immortal Power - I can get more than one Altair?

Yes, provided you can collect the 5 pieces of Legendary tack again, you can get as many as you want (you just won't get additional pieces of the star).

To add; Altair's perk is not cumulative - so you can not get an extension from more than 1 Altair in a day
By Retired breeder, 16th July 2015 09:53:34
Retired breeder wrote:

Will the tack be tradable?

i don´t think so, as you can get more than one of the horses as long as you collect the tack, but i´m not sure, so i may be wrong
By Retired breeder, 16th July 2015 11:48:02
Does anyone know when the next promo will actually start?
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know when the next promo will actually start?

Doesn't look like today, since they normally start at 1pm.
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